Pulfrich effect on anaglyph glasses

This applet allows you to test the Pulfrich effect using your own anaglyph glasses, display and visual system. It serves as a supplemental material for submission of SPIE2014 paper "Improving Perception of Binocular Stereo Motion on 3D Display Devices".

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First set up experiment conditions in term of motion frequency, base disparity and overall brightness. The size of applet should adapt to your screen size. Then put on your glasses and keep adjusting slider for left eye delay until the moving square appears stable in depth with respect to surrounding texture. You can use left and right key to control the amount of delay. The final delay of left eye is displayed next to the slider. If the value is negative, then the right is delayed compared to the left which probably means you used glasses with brighter left eye filter (i.e. green-magenta).

Note: Values from this applet are only orientational and server mostly for illustration purposes. The experiment published in paper was run using OpenGL application on 120Hz display which reduces artifacts such as tearing, framerate variance and motion-blur due to long frame duration. Implementation of color transformations is only approximative.

Left Eye Delay:
Base disparity:
Glass Type: