Goethe University VSI DAGM GfKl CVL


Tutorial A) Tensors in Computer Vision and Image Processing ...more

Klas Nordberg, ( Linköping University, Sweden )

Tuesday, August 30th, 9-12:30


Tutorial B) Random Field Models for Natural Image and Scene Statistics ...more

Stefan Roth, ( Technical University Darmstadt )

Tuesday, August 30th, 9-12:30


Tutorial C) Higher-Order Feature Learning: Building a Computer Vision "Swiss Army Knife" ...more

Roland Memisevic, ( Goethe University Frankfurt )

Tuesday, August 30th, 14-17:30


Tutorial D) Convex Optimization for Computer Vision ...more

Thomas Pock ( Graz University of Technology ), & Daniel Cremers ( Technical University of Munich )

Tuesday, August 30th, 14-17:30



Workshop 'New Challenges in Neural Computation (NC2)' ...more

Tuesday, August 30th, 9-18:30 (tentative)


Symposium of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS) ...more

Tuesday, August 30th, full day (tentative)

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