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    Camera Ready Version

    Camera ready papers are due June 28th.

    To prepare the camera ready version of your paper, please follow the general author guidelines below. If you use LaTeX to prepare your paper, please use the same template as for your submission. Make sure to appropriately replace the provided placeholders in the template with the list of authors and institutes, and also provide an author list and running title for the page headers (abbreviated as necessary). Also make sure to comment out the \DAGMreviewversion command to obtain a non-review version. For more information, also regarding other document preparation systems including Microsoft Word, please refer to Springer's LNCS author instructions.

    Papers prepared in LaTeX need to be accompanied by all source files necessary to compile the paper (.tex and .bib files, figures, as well as any additional style files that you may have used). Please also include a PDF of the final version as a reference. Please submit all files in a single ZIP or TAR.GZ file. If you use Microsoft Word for preparing your paper, please submit the paper as DOC/DOCX or RTF file along with a PDF for reference. Please also upload these files as part of a single ZIP or TAR.GZ file.

    Every paper requires a copyright form to be submitted by the authors. PLease fill in the copyright form and send the signed form to dagm2012@icg.tugraz.at or fax it to +43 316 873 5050

    Also note that submitting a camera ready version implies that one of the authors will register for DAGM-OAGM 2012 before June 30th and attend the conference to present the paper. All questions related to the camera ready version should be directed to the DAGM-OAGM 2012 chairs.

    Instructions and Policies

    The DAGM-OAGM 2012 conference proceedings will be published in the Springer LNCS series. The proceedings will include all papers accepted for oral presentation or for poster presentation under the condition that at least one of the authors completes a full registration to the conference. Authors should take into account the following rules:

    See also the example paper dagm2012submission.pdf for more information. Papers that do not conform with the above guidelines will be rejected without review.

    Supplementary Material

    Author Kit

    The author kit provides a LaTeX2e template for submissions, and an example paper to demonstrate the format. Please refer to this example for detailed formatting instructions. If you intend to use something other than LaTeX to prepare your paper (e.g. MS Word), you may refer to this Springer site.

    Submission System

    Paper submission is done using Microsoft CMT. The paper submission site is now open.

    Note that submissions to the Young Researcher's Forum not submitted via the DAGM-OAGM CMT system, see the Young Researcher's Forum page.
