Oracle9i Database Error Messages Release 2 (9.2) Part Number A96525-01 |
For information about Pro*C/C++, refer to the Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide.
Cause: The precompiler was unable to open a temporary file for internal use. There might be insufficient disk space, too many open files, or read-only protection on the output directory.
Action: Check that there is enough disk space, that the limit for open files is set high enough (check with the system manager) and that protection on the directory allows opening a file for writing.
Cause: There is a syntax error in an EXEC statement or the statement is not properly terminated.
Action: Correct the syntax of the EXEC statement. If the error occurred at the end of the input file, check that the last EXEC statement is properly terminated.
Cause: The symbol in a conditional precompilation statement (such as EXEC ORACLE IFDEF) is invalid, or the name of a SQL descriptor, statement, or cursor is invalid or was not properly declared.
Action: Check the statement syntax and spelling of the identifier and check that a reserved word was not accidentally used. If necessary, define the identifier in a variable declaration or DECLARE statement ahead of the line in error.
Cause: There is an EXEC ORACLE ELSE or EXEC ORACLE ENDIF statement without a matching EXEC ORACLE IFDEF statement.
Action: Add the missing EXEC ORACLE IFDEF statement or delete or move the EXEC ORACLE ELSE or EXEC ORACLE ENDIF statement.
Cause: A host variable defined in the DECLARE section has an unsupported datatype or has a scale or precision outside the supported range.
Action: Redefine the host variable using a supported datatype. Check that the scale and precision of a numeric variable are in the accepted range.
Cause: A condition other than SQLERROR, SQLWARNING, or NOT FOUND was specified in an EXEC SQL WHENEVER statement, or one of these was used, but spelled incorrectly.
Action: Correct the spelling of the WHENEVER condition or use a host- language IF statement to test the special condition.
Cause: At lease one of the following:
Action: Check that the host language allows the specified WHENEVER action. If necessary, correct the spelling of the WHENEVER action or correct the GOTO label.
Cause: A host variable used in an EXEC SQL statement was not declared in the DECLARE section or has an unsupported datatype.
Action: Declare the host variable in the DECLARE section, making sure it has one of the supported datatypes.
Cause: An EXEC statement was not placed properly in the host program. For example, there might be a data manipulation statement in the DECLARE section. In a Pro*COBOL program, the DECLARE section might be outside the WORKING-STORAGE or LINKAGE SECTION.
Action: Remove or relocate the statement.
Cause: A BEGIN DECLARE SECTION statement was found inside a DECLARE section.
Action: Remove the extra BEGIN DECLARE SECTION statement.
Cause: An END DECLARE SECTION statement without a matching BEGIN DECLARE SECTION statement was found. Either the BEGIN DECLARE SECTION statement is missing or misspelled or the END DECLARE SECTION statement is an extra.
Action: Add or correct the BEGIN DECLARE SECTION statement or remove the extra END DECLARE SECTION statement.
Cause: The precompiler was unable to open the input file specified in the INCLUDE statement. Some possible causes follow:
Action: Check that the file exists, that the search path to the file is correct, that sufficient privileges to access the file have been granted, and that it is not locked by another user. Also, check with the system manager to make sure there is enough disk space and that the limit for open files is set high enough.
Cause: The name of a descriptor, statement, or cursor was not declared or is misspelled.
Action: Add or correct the descriptor, statement, or cursor declaration.
Cause: The host language syntax used to define a host variable in the DECLARE section is incorrect.
Action: Check the syntax and the spelling, then correct the declaration.
Cause: The syntax in a SQL statement is faulty. The precompiler was expecting a host variable, but found something else.
Action: Check the syntax and the spelling, then correct the SQL statement.
Cause: There is a syntax error in an array declaration. The precompiler was expecting a right bracket (]) but found something else.
Action: Check the syntax, then correct the array declaration.
Cause: The syntax in a SQL statement is faulty. The precompiler found an unexpected or illegal token.
Action: Check the syntax and the spelling, then correct the SQL statement.
Cause: The precompiler was unable to find information about an input host variable (bind variable) used in a SQL statement.
Action: Check that the input host variable is declared in the DECLARE section and used properly in the SQL statement.
Cause: The precompiler was unable to find information about an output host variable (define variable) used in a SQL statement.
Action: Check that the output host variable is declared in the DECLARE section and used properly in the SQL statement.
Cause: An Oracle error occurred.
Action: Refer to the indicated message in the ORA message chapters of this manual.
Cause: The precompiler process ran out of memory.
Action: Allocate more memory to the process, then retry.
Cause: An Oracle connection error occurred while the precompiler was trying to log off, probably because Oracle has been shut down.
Action: Check that Oracle is available, then retry.
Cause: An indicator variable was not declared in the DECLARE section as a 2-byte integer. Indicator variables must be defined as 2-byte integers.
Action: Redefine the indicator variable as a 2-byte integer.
Cause: An indicator variable used in a SQL statement was not declared in the DECLARE section or its name is misspelled.
Action: Add or correct the indicator variable declaration.
Cause: A host variable used in a SQL statement was not declared properly. Some possible causes follow:
Action: Add or correct the host variable declaration.
Cause: The name of a SQL descriptor, statement, or cursor was re-declared (that is, declared twice).
Action: Check the spelling of the identifier, then, if necessary, remove the extra declaration.
Cause: A precompiler option was specified inline in an EXEC ORACLE statement. Some options can be specified only on the command line. For example, INAME cannot be specified inline.
Action: Respecify the precompiler option on the command line, instead of in an EXEC ORACLE statement. To see an online display of the precompiler options, enter the precompiler command (with no options) at the operating-system prompt.
Cause: The name of a precompiler option was abbreviated ambiguously. For example, MAX= might refer to MAXLITERAL or MAXOPENCURSORS.
Action: Respecify the full option name or an unambiguous abbreviation. To see an online display of the precompiler options, enter the precompiler command (with no options) at the operating-system prompt.
Cause: The value specified for a precompiler option is invalid, probably because the value is misspelled (as in LTYPE=HORT) or out of range (as in PAGELEN=-55).
Action: Check the value, making sure it is spelled correctly and within the legal range.
Cause: The precompiler found an invalid precompiler option name. Some possible causes follow:
Action: Check that the option exists and that its name is spelled correctly. To see an online display of the precompiler options, enter the precompiler command (with no options) at the operating- system prompt. Also check that there is an equal sign between the option name and value.
Cause: No value was specified for a precompiler option. Either the value is missing or there is space around the equal sign (as in LTYPE =SHORT).
Action: Check that a value for each option has been specified and there is no space around the equal sign.
Cause: The input file was not specified on the command line.
Action: Use the INAME command-line option to specify the input file.
Cause: The precompiler was unable to log on to ORACLE with the specified username and password. An ORACLE error with given number occurred when the logon was attempted.
Action: Refer to the indicated message in the ORA message chapters of this manual.
Cause: This is an internal error message not usually issued.
Action: Call Oracle Support Services for assistance. If the application does not require syntactic or semantic checking of SQL statements and does not use PL/SQL, specify SQLCHECK=NONE on the command line.
Cause: The precompiler was unable to open the input file specified by the INAME precompiler option. Some possible causes follow:
Action: Check that the file exists, that the search path to the file is correct, that sufficient privileges have been granted to access the file, and that it is not locked by another user. Check with the system administrator to make sure that there is enough disk space and that the limit for open files is set high enough.
Cause: The precompiler was unable to open the listing file specified by the LNAME precompiler option. Some possible causes follow:
Action: Check that the file exists, that the search path to the file is correct, that sufficient privileges have been granted to access the file, and that it is not locked by another user. Also check that there is enough disk space and that the limit for open files is set high enough (check with the system manager). If a listing file is not needed, specify LTYPE=NONE on the command line.
Cause: The precompiler was unable to open the listing file specified by the ONAME precompiler option. Some possible causes follow:
Action: Check that the file exists, that the search path to the file is correct, that sufficient privileges have been granted to access the file, and that it is not locked by another user. Check with the system administrator to make sure that there is enough disk space and that the limit for open files is set high enough.
Cause: When MODE={ANSI | ANSI14}, an attempt was made to use the WHENEVER SQLWARNING statement without declaring the SQLCA. When MODE={ANSI | ANSI14}, declaring the SQLCA is optional, but to use the WHENEVER SQLWARNING statement, the SQLCA must be declared.
Action: Remove all WHENEVER SQLWARNING statements from the program or declare the SQLCA by hardcoding it or copying it into the program with the INCLUDE statement.
Cause: The size of an array variable in an INTO/USING clause is too small for the number of rows processed.
Action: Declare all array variables in the INTO/USING clause to have at least the minimum dimension given.
Cause: There is a misplaced clause at the end of an EXEC SQL statement (an AT clause at the end of a SELECT statement, for example), or the action specified in a FOR clause is invalid (for example, FOR :loop INTO...).
Action: Check the statement syntax, then relocate or correct the misplaced or invalid clause.
Cause: A string constant is missing an ending quotation mark, or a comment is missing an ending delimiter.
Action: Check that all comments are delimited and all string constants are enclosed by quotation marks.
Cause: The precompiler was unable to generate a descriptor for the compilation unit. This can occur from either of the following:
Action: Verify that the DECLARE section is properly implemented. Then check for syntax errors at the beginning of the compilation unit and before any END DECLARE SECTION statement, and correct as appropriate.
Cause: The declared size of a VARCHAR host variable exceeds the precompiler limit of 65533 bytes.
Action: Check the DECLARE section, making sure the size of each VARCHAR variable does not exceed the limit of 65533 bytes.
Cause: The count variable in a FOR clause has the wrong datatype. The datatype must be NUMBER or LONG (or be compatible with NUMBER or LONG).
Action: Check the declaration and check that the count variable has a datatype of NUMBER or LONG (or a compatible Oracle or host-language datatype).
Cause: The precompiler expected to find a statement terminator at the end of an EXEC statement but found something else. This can happen if tabs were embedded in the source code (because the precompiler has no way of knowing how many spaces a tab represents).
Action: If tabs are embedded in the source code, replace them with spaces. Check the statement syntax and check that each EXEC statement has a terminator. For embedded CREATE {FUNCTION | PROCEDURE | PACKAGE} statements and for embedded PL/SQL blocks, check that the statement terminator is END-EXEC.
Cause: A host array was used as a bind (input) variable in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement. This is not allowed.
Action: Remove the host array or replace it with a simple host variable.
Cause: A FOR clause was used with a SELECT statement. This is not allowed as data returned from the last loop in the execution of the SELECT overwrites data returned in a previous loop.
Action: Remove the FOR clause from the SELECT statement and use a host- language construct to iteratively execute the SELECT statement.
Cause: Two AT clauses, one in a DECLARE STATEMENT statement, the other in a DECLARE CURSOR statement, pertain to the same SQL statement. The AT clause may be specified with either DECLARE STATEMENT or DECLARE CURSOR, but not with both.
Action: Remove the AT clause from one of the statements.
Cause: The precompiler found an error in an embedded SQL statement or PL/SQL block.
Action: Refer to the indicated PL/SQL error message to correct the SQL statement or embedded PL/SQL block.
Cause: The precompiler tried to parse an embedded PL/SQL block when SQLCHECK={SYNTAX | NONE}. PL/SQL blocks can be parsed only when SQLCHECK=SEMANTICS is specified.
Action: Remove the PL/SQL block or specify SQLCHECK=SEMANTICS.
Cause: The precompiler encountered an end-of-file while parsing a PL/SQL block.
Action: Add the appropriate statement terminator (;) or end-of-block statement (END;) to the PL/SQL block.
Cause: Two or more occurrences of a host variable in an EXEC SQL statement were associated with different indicator variables. This is not allowed.
Action: Rename the indicator variables so that each occurrence of the host variable is associated with the same indicator variable.
Cause: The SQLCHECK=SEMANTICS option was specified, but the USERID option on the command line was not specified.
Action: Specify USERID=username/password or enter a username and password when prompted or specify SQLCHECK={SYNTAX | NONE}.
Cause: The USERID option was specified when SQLCHECK={SYNTAX | NONE}. This is unnecessary.
Action: Specify the USERID option only when SQLCHECK=SEMANTICS.
Cause: While reading the input file, the precompiler found a line longer than IRECLEN.
Action: Either shorten the input line or specify a larger IRECLEN value on the command line.
Cause: In an EXEC SQL statement, an indicator variable had the same name as a host variable. The names of a host variable and its associated indicator variable must be different. Also, an indicator variable cannot be used as a host variable.
Action: Rename the host or indicator variable.
Cause: A host variable had an unsupported datatype. For a list of supported datatypes, see the language-specific Precompiler Programmer's Guide.
Action: Redefine the host variable in the DECLARE section, giving it a supported datatype.
Cause: The precompiler found a syntax error while parsing a number coded in scientific notation. The precompiler expected to find a signed integer following the exponentiation indicator (E), but found something else.
Action: Reformat the number correctly.
Cause: The precompiler was unable to open the message file containing the messages that can be issued by the precompiler. This can happen if there are too many open files or if there were problems with installation of the precompiler.
Action: Check that the limit for open files is high enough (check with the system manager). Otherwise, contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: The file name length specified exceeded the maximum length. Some operating systems have a maximum file name length.
Action: Use a file name of length less than or equal to the maximum platform specific file name length.
Cause: A cursor was DECLAREd but was not referenced in an OPEN statement. This is only an informational message.
Action: Remove the cursor declaration or code an OPEN statement for the cursor.
Cause: An indicator variable was not prefixed with a colon, as required.
Action: Prefix a colon to the indicator variable in question.
Cause: This message is issued only by Pro*COBOL. DISPLAY SIGN LEADING SEPARATE is the only DISPLAY type supported by Pro*COBOL.
Action: Check the spelling of the variable declaration. If necessary, remove the reference to the unsupported DISPLAY type.
Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, a numeric WHENEVER ... GOTO label was prefixed with a colon. For example the code might have looked like:
This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.
Action: No action required. However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, prefix alphanumeric (but not numeric) WHENEVER ... GOTO labels with a colon.
Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, the name given to a host variable:
In the following Pro*C example, the host variable name is 19 characters long and therefore non-compliant:
This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.
Action: No action required. However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, change the host variable name so that it is less than or equal to 18 characters long, begins with a letter, and does not contain consecutive or trailing underscores.
Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, an alphanumeric WHENEVER ... GOTO label was not prefixed with a colon. For example the offending code might look like:
This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.
Action: No action required. However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, prefix alphanumeric (but not numeric) WHENEVER ... GOTO labels with a colon.
Cause: The identifier being TYPEd in an EXEC SQL TYPE statement appeared in a previous EXEC SQL TYPE statement. A given identifier can appear in only one EXEC SQL TYPE statement.
Action: Check the spelling of the identifiers. Use different identifiers in the EXEC SQL TYPE statements, or remove one of the EXEC SQL TYPE statements.
Cause: The Oracle external datatype referenced in an EXEC SQL VAR or EXEC SQL TYPE statement does no allow a scale specification.
Action: Check the precision specification and remove the scale specification.
Cause: A floating point number or a non-number to specify a length or scale was used. Only integers can be used.
Action: Correct or remove the length and/or scale specification.
Cause: Host variables cannot appear in a CREATE statement. If the makeup of a CREATE statement cannot be known until run time, a dynamic SQL statement must be used to execute it. That is, the program must accept or build the CREATE statement at run time, store it in a host string, then EXECUTE it.
Action: Correct or remove the erroneous CREATE statement.
Cause: The precompiler was unable to write to the named output file. Some possible causes follow:
Action: Check that sufficient privileges exist to access the file and that it is not locked by another user. Check with the system administrator to make sure that there is enough disk space and that the limit for open files is set high enough.
Cause: The source file specified on the command line contains no code. Consequently, there is nothing for the precompiler to process.
Action: Specify a valid source file containing embedded SQL statements.
Cause: An EXEC SQL TYPE statement was used with a host language that does not support user-defined datatype equivalencing. This feature is available only in Pro*C and Pro*Pascal.
Action: Remove the offending EXEC SQL TYPE statement.
Cause: The user-defined datatype name in an EXEC SQL TYPE statement is missing or misspelled, is a reserved word, is not a legal identifier in the host-language or conflicts with a base datatype in that language.
Action: Check the spelling of the user-defined datatype name. If necessary, declare a valid user-defined datatype. User-defined datatype equivalencing is available only in Pro*C and Pro*Pascal.
Cause: The Oracle external datatype name in an EXE SQL TYPE or EXEC SQL VAR statement is missing or misspelled.
Action: Check the spelling of the external datatype name. If necessary, supply the missing datatype name.
Cause: A precision and/or scale specification for the Oracle external datatype DECIMAL in an EXEC SQL TYPE or EXEC SQL VAR statement was omitted.
Action: Add the precision and/or scale specification to the EXEC SQL TYPE or EXEC SQL VAR statement.
Cause: A length, precision, and/or scale specification for an Oracle external datatype in an EXEC SQL TYPE or EXEC SQL VAR statement was omitted.
Action: Add the length, precision, and/or scale specification for the external datatype to the EXEC SQL TYPE or EXEC SQL VAR statement.
Cause: An invalid length or scale for an Oracle external datatype in an EXEC SQL TYPE or EXEC SQL VAR statement was specified.
Action: Check that a length large enough to accommodate the external datatype is specified. If a scale is specified, check that it lies in the range -84 to 99.
Cause: The precompiler found an option available in a prior version or different host language but not in the current version or host language.
Action: Remove the option specification.
Cause: When MODE={ANSI | ANSI14}, a length of less than 2 characters for a char[n] host variable was specified or a simple char variable was specified. When MODE={ANSI | ANSI14}, the length must be at least 2 characters. This message is issued only by the Pro*C precompiler.
Action: Correct the declaration so that it specifies a length of at least 2 characters.
Cause: FORTRAN source files are expected to have at least one PROGRAM, SUBROUTINE, FUNCTION, or BLOCK DATA statement, which the precompiler uses to detect the beginning of a routine or compilation unit.
Action: Add one of these statements to the source file.
Cause: When MODE=ANSI14, an array SELECT or FETCH was attempted. However, array operations are not allowed with MODE=ANSI14.
Action: If MODE=ANSI14 must be specified, place the SELECT or FETCH statement in a host-language loop, instead of using the array interface.
Cause: The DECIMAL and DISPLAY external datatype was used in an EXEC SQL VAR or EXEC SQL TYPE statement with an Oracle precompiler other than Pro*COBOL or PRO*PL/I. These external datatypes are available only in Pro*COBOL and PRO*PL/I.
Action: Remove the reference to the DECIMAL or DISPLAY external datatype from the EXEC SQL TYPE or EXEC SQL VAR statement.
Cause: In a Pro*C, Pro*FORTRAN, Pro*Pascal program, scale in an EXEC SQL TYPE or EXEC SQL VAR statement in the current context cannot be specified.
Action: Remove the scale specification from the EXEC SQL TYPE or EXEC SQL VAR statement.
Cause: A length for the ROWID, DATE, or MLSLABEL external datatype was specified in an EXEC SQL TYPE or EXEC SQL VAR statement. This is unnecessary because those are fixed length types.
Action: Remove the length specification from the EXEC SQL TYPE or EXEC SQL VAR statement.
Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, a non-integer WHENEVER ... GOTO label was in a Pro*Pascal program. For example, the offending code might look like:
This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.
Action: No action required. However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, use only integer WHENEVER... GOTO labels in a Pro*Pascal program.
Cause: A Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, a lowercase 'e' was used in scientific notation. For example, the offending code might look like:
maxnum = 10e38;
This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.
Action: No action required. However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, use an uppercase 'E' in scientific notation.
Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, the FOR UPDATE OF clause was used in a cursor declaration. For example, the offending code might look like:
This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.
Action: No action required. However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, do not use the FOR UPDATE OF clause.
Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, the AT db_name clause was used in a SQL statement. For example, the offending code might look like:
This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.
Action: No action required. However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, do not use the AT db_name clause.
Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, the FOR clause was used in an array-processing SQL statement. For example, the offending code might look like:
EXEC SQL FOR :limit INSERT INTO EMP (EMPNO, JOB, DEPTNO) VALUES (:emp_ number, :job_title, :dept_number);
This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.
Action: No action required. However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, do not use the FOR clause.
Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, the keyword WORK was used in a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement. For example, the offending code might look like:
This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.
Action: No action required. However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, do not use the keyword WORK.
Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, the parameter RELEASE was used in a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement. For example, the offending code might look like:
This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.
Action: No action required. However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, do not use the parameter RELEASE;
Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, the CONNECT statement was used to log on to ORACLE. For example, the offending code might look like:
This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.
Action: No action required. However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, specify the AUTO_CONNECT command-line option instead of using a CONNECT statement.
Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, a nonconforming SQL statement such as PREPARE was used. For example, the offending code might look like:
EXEC SQL PREPARE sql_statement FROM :sql_string;
This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.
Action: No action required. However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, do not use the nonconforming statement.
Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, dynamic SQL or embedded PL/SQL was used. For example, the offending code might look like:
This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.
Action: No action required. However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, do not use dynamic SQL or embedded PL/SQL.
Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, a nonconforming keyword such as NOTFOUND, STOP, RAISE, or DO was used in the WHENEVER statement. (Note that NOT FOUND is ANSI-compliant.) For example, the offending code might look like:
This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.
Action: No action required. However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, do not use the nonconforming keyword.
Cause: The SQLCHECK option was entered inline and specified a level of checking higher than the level specified (or accepted by default) on the command line. This is not allowed. For example, if SQLCHECK={SYNTAX | LIMITED} is specified on the command line, SQLCHECK={SEMANTICS | FULL} cannot be specified inline.
Action: Revise the EXEC ORACLE statement or specify a lower level of checking on the command line.
Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO standard was used. Specifically, a pointer or nonconforming datatype such as VARCHAR was used. For example, the offending code might look like:
This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.
Action: No action required. However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, do not use pointers or nonconforming datatypes.
Cause: When MODE={ANSI14 | ANSI13}, DBMS=V7 was specified, or when MODE=ANSI, DBMS=v6 was specified. These option settings are incompatible. Note that the DBMS option was not available before release 1.5 of the Oracle Precompilers.
Action: With DBMS=V7, instead of MODE={ANSI14 | ANSI13}, specify MODE={ANSI | ORACLE}. With DBMS=V6, instead of MODE=ANSI, specify MODE={ANSI14 | ANSI13 | ORACLE}, but MODE=ORACLE is recommended.
Cause: In an EXEC SQL VAR statement, a VARCHAR or VARRAW external datatype was specified without a length. Unlike other types, the maximum length of the data field must be specified for VARCHAR and VARRAW.
Action: Add a length specification to the EXEC SQL VAR statement.
Cause: In an ARRAYLEN statement, the name of a previously declared host array was not specified. The first host variable in an ARRAYLEN statement must be an array. The second host variable, which specifies an array dimension, must be a 4-byte integer. The correct syntax follows:
EXEC SQL ARRAYLEN host_array (dimension);
The ARRAYLEN statement must appear in the DECLARE section along with, but somewhere after, the declarations of host_array and dimension.
Action: Check the spelling of both identifiers in the ARRAYLEN statement. If necessary, supply the missing host array name.
Cause: The same host array was specified in two different ARRAYLEN statements. A given host array cannot be specified in more than one ARRAYLEN statement.
Action: Check the spelling of the host array names in both ARRAYLEN statements. Change one of the names so that they refer to different host arrays or remove one of the ARRAYLEN statements.
Cause: A valid array dimension was not specified in an ARRAYLEN statement. The array dimension must be specified using a previously declared 4-byte integer host variable, not a literal or expression. For example, the offending code might look like:
EXEC SQL ARRAYLEN ename_array (25); -- illegal dimension
Action: Supply a valid array dimension. If necessary, declare a 4-byte integer host variable for use in the ARRAYLEN statement.
Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, a host variable was initialized in its declaration, as shown in the following Pro*C example:
This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.
Action: No action required. However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, do not initialize host variables in their declarations.
Cause: A variable declared with the type specifier "const" was used in an INTO clause. Such variables should not be modified and should not be used in an INTO clause.
Action: Check the spelling of all identifiers in the INTO clause. If necessary, remove "const" from the host variable declaration or use a different host variable.
Cause: A file I/O error occurred during code generation. This may be caused by insufficient disk space.
Action: Check that there is enough disk space.
Cause: An array of pointers was declared, which is not allowed. However, pointers to scalar types are allowed. With Pro*C, declare pointers to char[n] and varchar[n] variables as pointers to CHAR or VARCHAR (with no length specification).
Action: Correct or remove the declaration.
Cause: On the command line, the same path name for INAME and ONAME was specified, which designates the precompiler input and output files, respectively.
Action: Change one of the path/file names.
Cause: In a Pro*C program, a VARCHAR declaration spans more than one line, which is not allowed.
Action: Revise the declaration so that it uses only one line.
Cause: In a FORTRAN program, subroutine, or function, the precompiler option COMMON_NAME was mistakenly specified after the PROGRAM, SUBROUTINE, or FUNCTION statement. If COMMON_NAME is specified inline, its EXEC ORACLE OPTION statement must precede the PROGRAM SUBROUTINE, or FUNCTION statement.
Action: Relocate the EXEC ORACLE OPTION statement or specify COMMON_NAME on the command line.
Cause: The precompiler was unable to find or open the system configuration file (a text file containing preset command-line options, which the precompiler uses by default). Some possible causes follow:
However, this message is just a warning. Processing continues even if the system configuration file does not exist.
Action: Check that the file exists, that the search path to the file is correct, and that sufficient privileges exist to access the file. Also check that the limit for open files is set high enough (check with the system manager).
Cause: This is a generic error message from the command-line processor.
Action: Correct the indicated error.
Cause: The command line processor encountered a severe error.
Action: After making sure that all the command-line options are specified correctly, call Oracle Support Services with a full account of all the options and configuration files used.
Cause: A required command-line option is missing. For example, the INAME option, which specifies the name of the input file, might be missing.
Action: Supply the missing command-line option.
Cause: An host variable array was used with an indicator array declared with a smaller dimension. For example:
EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int dept_no[20]; short dept_no_ind[10]; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; ... SELECT ... INTO dept_no:dept_no_ind ...
Action: Increase the size of the indicator array.
Cause: The precompiler option NLS_LOCAL=YES was used without also specifying MODE=ANSI. The precompiler option MODE=ANSI must be specified if NLS_LOCAL=YES.
Action: Set the precompiler option MODE=ANSI in addition to NLS_LOCAL=YES or do not set NLS_LOCAL=YES.
Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, an Oracle Result Set Cursor has been used. This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.
Action: No action required. However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, do not use Result Set Cursors.
Cause: An array of SQL_CURSOR host variables was declared or, if Pro*COBOL, a PICTURE clause was specified in the SQL-CURSOR declaration. In Pro*FORTRAN, a length specification (that is, "*n") on the SQL_CURSOR declaration could have been specified. These usages are not supported.
Action: Check that the SQL_CURSOR variable is not declared as an array or, if Pro*COBOL, that no PICTURE clause is specified for the SQL_CURSOR. In Pro*FORTRAN, check that there is no length specification (that is, "*n") for the SQL_CURSOR.
Cause: A SQL_CURSOR variable was used in an INTO or WHERE clause. SQL_CURSOR variables can be used only where ordinary cursor identifiers would be used or, in a PL/SQL block, where a cursor would normally be used.
Action: Remove the SQL cursor variable reference from the INTO clause or WHERE clause, or use a host variable of another type in the INTO or WHERE clause.
Cause: There was an attempt to reference a host variable as a cursor reference. Cursor variables are not implemented in PRO*Pascal or Pro*PL/I.
Action: Rewrite your host-language code to use standard SQL cursors.
Cause: The MAXLITERAL option has been used in an inline EXEC ORACLE OPTION statement after and EXEC SQL, EXEC TOOLS, or EXEC IAF statement. This is not allowed.
Action: Use the MAXLITERAL option only on the command line or in an EXEC ORACLE OPTION statement placed at the beginning of the input source file.
Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, one of the following statements was used:
These statements are Oracle extensions to the ANSI/ISO SQL standards. This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.
Action: No action is required. However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, do not use any of these statements.
Cause: There has been an attempt to use CONTEXT SQL statements. The thread safety feature is not implemented in PRO*Pascal, Pro*PL/I, or Pro*C 1.x.
Action: Rewrite your host-language code to not use contexts.
Cause: No EXEC SQL CONTEXT USE statement was encountered and the option THREADS=YES was requested.
Action: Ensure that the necessary context variable (of type SQL_CONTEXT) has been declared, ALLOCATEd, and USEd prior to any executable SQL statements.
Cause: The runtime context variable referenced in an EXEC SQL CONTEXT USE statement is not of type SQL_CONTEXT.
Action: Declare your runtime context variable of type SQL_CONTEXT.
Cause: The option UNSAFE_NULL=YES has been used with DBMS=V6 or DBMS=NATIVE (the default) or has been used with MODE=ANSI/ANSI14/ANSI13.
Action: Either specify DBMS=V7 and MODE=ORACLE (the default) when using UNSAFE_NULL=YES or do not use UNSAFE_NULL=YES.
Cause: EXEC SQL ENABLE THREADS or one of the EXEC SQL CONTEXT statements has been used, even though option THREADS is set to NO.
Action: Specify option THREADS=YES or remove the EXEC SQL ENABLE THREADS or EXEC SQL CONTEXT statement from the source code.
Cause: An invalid host language was specified using the command-line host option. The host option valid values are Pro* language-specific. For example, for PROFOR, the only valid value is FORTRAN. For PROCOB, the only valid values are COBOL and COB74.
Action: Specify a valid host language with the host option.
Cause: V6 compatibility is no longer supported. The precompiler will precompile as though DBMS=NATIVE was specified.
Action: Revise the specified DBMS option value from v6 to another value as desired.
Cause: The authorization or license to run the Pro*COBOL Precompiler has expired.
Action: Call Oracle Support Services for assistance.
Cause: The authorization or license to run the Pro*COBOL Precompiler is about to expire.
Action: Call Oracle Support Services for assistance.
Cause: In a Pro*COBOL Precompiler program, only a blank, hyphen (-), asterisk (*), slash (/), or letter "D" is allowed in the indicator area, but the precompiler found another character.
Action: Remove or replace the invalid character. If the FORMAT=ANSI option is specified, check for an end-of-line in column 7.
Cause: In a PRO*COBOL program, a continuation line was completely blank, except for the continuation character.
Action: Remove or replace the empty continuation line.
Cause: In a Pro*COBOL input file, the last EXEC statement was not terminated properly.
Action: Terminate the last EXEC statement with an END-EXEC.
Cause: The precompiler could not find the PROCEDURE DIVISION header in a Pro*COBOL program. Some possible causes follow:
Action: Check that the PROCEDURE DIVISION header is in place and spelled correctly, that there is no apostrophe in the REMARKS section, that all literals in the WORKING-STORAGE SECTION are terminated, and that the right value for the FORMAT option is specified.
Cause: In a Pro*COBOL program, EXEC statements must begin in Area B, but the precompiler found a statement beginning in Area A.
Action: Move the statement rightward so that it begins in Area B.
Cause: The precompiler could not find the WORKING-STORAGE SECTION header in a Pro*COBOL program, probably because a keyword is missing or misspelled, or the wrong value for the FORMAT option might have been specified.
Action: Check that the WORKING-STORAGE SECTION header is in place and spelled correctly and that the right value for the FORMAT option is specified.
Cause: A few COBOL compilers do not allow group items to be passed as parameters in a CALL statement. (Check the COBOL compiler user's guide.) If the compiler is one of these, group items within the DECLARE section can contain only one elementary item.
Action: Assign each host variable its own group item.
Cause: In a Pro*COBOL program, an EXEC SQL statement is followed by another statement in the same sentence. An EXEC SQL statement must be the last statement in a COBOL-74 sentence and so must be terminated by the keyword ELSE or a period.
Action: Change the program logic, making the EXEC SQL statement the last statement in the sentence.
Cause: A null character (binary zero) was found in a string literal. This is not allowed by Pro*COBOL.
Action: Remove the null character from the string literal.
Cause: The period terminating the USAGE IS BINARY clause must be on the same line as the USAGE clause. This message only occurs on systems that support the COMP5=YES command line option of Pro*COBOL, where COMP-5 is substituted for BINARY.
Action: Check that the period terminating the USAGE IS BINARY clause is on the same line as the USAGE clause.
Cause: The Pro*COBOL precompiler did not find a DATA DIVISION in the input source file. Pro*COBOL applications are required to have a DATA DIVISION.
Action: Add a DATA DIVISION to the input source file.
Cause: A PIC N variable was declared using an OCCURS clause. Tables of PIC N variables are not supported by the Pro*COBOL precompiler.
Action: Declare the PIC N variable without an OCCURS clause or, if the PIC N variable is not used in any SQL statements, declare it outside the DECLARE section.
Cause: The keyword VARYING was used in a PIC N variable declaration.
Action: Remove the keyword VARYING from the variable declaration. If you want to declare a PIC N VARCHAR variable, specify the precompiler option VARCHAR=YES and declare the variable as an implicit VARCHAR group item as illustrated by the following example:
Cause: A PIC N variable or an implicit VARCHAR group item (with a PIC N variable as an elementary item) was used in an EXEC SQL VAR statement. This is not allowed.
Action: Do not use the PIC N variable in an EXEC SQL VAR statement. If you want an equivalence to an Oracle type using an EXEC SQL VAR statement, use a PIC X variable, instead of a PIC N variable.
Cause: An "N" character literal was used within a PL/SQL block
Action: Remove the "N" character literal from the PL/SQL block.
Cause: The SQLCA has been included and a SQLCODE variable has been declared. This is not allowed as references to the SQLCODE variable are ambiguous and will result in COBOL compiler errors.
Action: Use either the SQLCA or the SQLCODE variable. Remove either the include of the SQLCA or the SQLCODE variable declaration.
Cause: A CONVBUFSZ clause has been used in an EXEC SQL VAR statement where the variable is not of a character datatype.
Action: Remove the CONVBUFSZ clause from the EXEC SQL VAR statement.
Cause: The size specified in a CONVBUFSZ clause must be an integer in the range 1 to 32765. Either the size given is not an integer or is outside the required range.
Action: Specify an integer in the range 1 to 32765.
Cause: The authorization or license to run the Pro*FORTRAN Precompiler has expired.
Action: Call Oracle Support Services for assistance.
Cause: The authorization or license to run the Pro*FORTRAN Precompiler is about to expire.
Action: Call Oracle Support Services for assistance.
Cause: The Pro*FORTRAN Precompiler found an invalid FORTRAN statement label in columns 1 through 6.
Action: Correct or remove the statement label.
Cause: The authorization or license to run the Pro*C Precompiler has expired.
Action: Call Oracle Support Services for assistance.
Cause: The authorization or license to run the Pro*C Precompiler is about to expire.
Action: Call Oracle Support Services for assistance.
Cause: A host identifier (the name of a host variable, for example) was truncated to the maximum length (31 characters) allowed by the precompiler. This is an informational message.
Action: No action required.
Cause: The authorization or license to run the Pro*PL/I Precompiler has expired.
Action: Call Oracle Support Services for assistance.
Cause: The authorization or license to run the Pro*PL/I Precompiler is about to expire.
Action: Call Oracle Support Services for assistance.
Cause: The authorization or license to run the Pro*Pascal Precompiler has expired.
Action: Call Oracle Support Services for assistance.
Cause: The authorization or license to run the Pro*Pascal Precompiler is about to expire.
Action: Call Oracle Support Services for assistance.
Cause: The authorization or license to run the Pro*Ada Precompiler has expired.
Action: Call Oracle Support Services for assistance.
Cause: The authorization or license to run the Pro*Ada Precompiler is about to expire.
Action: Call Oracle Support Services for assistance.
Cause: Every Ada source file must have a package, procedure, or function statement. The precompiler did not find one.
Action: Add the appropriate statement(s) to the source file and rerun Pro*Ada.
Cause: An identifier used in the host program is of a length that causes precompiler-generated code to exceed the length limitation on source lines.
Action: Use a shorter identifier or use the ORECLEN option to increase the allowed line length.
Cause: The EXEC SQL INCLUDE statement is not allowed in Pro*Ada.
Action: Embed required source text directly in the Pro*Ada file. Use the "with" context clause to include required packages.
Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, a host variable was declared with a non-ANSI/ISO standard type.
Action: No action required. However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, use only ANSI/ISO standard types.
Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, a host variable was declared outside of a DECLARE section.
Action: No action required. However, for ANSI/ISO compliance, declare the host variable within a DECLARE section.
Cause: A string in a SQL statement, which should be delimited by single quotation marks, was not terminated properly.
Action: Check that all strings are delimited.
Cause: The precompiler found an identifier that was too long.
Action: Shorten the identifier. SQL identifiers should be limited to 128 characters.
Cause: A character constant with a single quotation mark was not terminated.
Action: Terminate the character constant.
Cause: The precompiler found an escape sequence that it could not process inside a string literal. This error can arise when multibyte character strings that can contain shift-in or shift-out escape sequences are used.
Action: Correct the string representation.
Cause: The precompiler detected an error in C or embedded SQL syntax. This message is followed by a more specific error message.
Action: Correct the syntax error.
Cause: The precompiler could not open a header file that was specified using the #include preprocessor directive or the EXEC SQL INCLUDE statement. This can happen if the file specification is inaccurate or if read permission or read access rights on the file or on one or more of the directories in the path were not granted.
Action: Make sure the file specification is correct, that the file exists, and that read permission has been granted so that the file can be read.
Cause: The path name for include files exceeded the maximum length of 80 characters.
Action: Move the include file, or create an environment variable or logical to shorten the path name.
Cause: The precompiler could not open an output file. This could be a generated code output file (.c file) or a listing file. This message can result from many causes. For example:
Action: Track down the cause of the error, as suggested above, and correct it.
Cause: A C comment either in C code or in an embedded SQL statement, was not terminated.
Action: Find the unterminated comment and terminate it with */.
Cause: A warning condition occurred as the precompiler was doing the preprocessor pass. A more specific warning message will follow this message.
Action: Correct the condition according to the action specified for the message that follows.
Cause: An error condition occurred as the precompiler was in the preprocessing phase. A more specific error message will follow this message.
Action: Correct the error according to the action specified for the message that follows.
Cause: A string constant contains a newline character, For example:
char x[] = "Hello world";
Action: Remove the newline character.
Cause: The precompiler encountered an end of file while parsing an EXEC SQL statement.
Action: Add statement terminator(;) or complete the EXEC SQL statement.
Cause: The precompiler encountered an end of file while parsing a PL/SQL statement (EXEC SQL EXECUTE ...).
Action: Complete the PL/SQL statement.
Cause: A user configuration file inside a user configuration file cannot be specified. That is, nested configuration files cannot be nested.
Action: If there are nested configuration files, move the options from the nested files to the top levels.
Cause: An option on the command line was specified, but a value for it was not included. For example, the offending code might look like:
proc iname=sample1.pc oname=
Action: Provide a value for the option.
Cause: A non-existent option was specified on the command line.
Action: Refer to your language-specific Precompiler Programmer's Guide for a list of the valid command line options and their possible values.
Cause: A value for a command line option was incorrectly specified.
Action: Refer to your language-specific Precompiler Programmer's Guide for the correct syntax for specifying command line option values.
Cause: A value specified for a command line option was not within the accepted range. For example, the range for the MAXOPENCURSORS option is 5 to 256. If a value outside the range is specified, the message is triggered.
Action: Refer to your language-specific Precompiler Programmer's Guide for the ranges that option values can take.
Cause: An option name was partially specified on the command line that made it non unique. For example, in:
% proc in=t.pc
the "in" option can imply either the INAME or INCLUDE option.
Action: Provide sufficient characters on the command line to make the option name unique.
Cause: A non-existent user configuration file was specified on the command line with the configuration option.
Action: Provide a valid filename for the configuration file.
Cause: An option was entered inline that can only be entered on the command line or in a configuration file. For example, the offending code might look like:
The NLS_CHAR option can only be entered on the command line or in a configuration file.
Action: Remove the option from the source file, and specify it on the command line.
Cause: The system configuration file has a standard name (PMSCFG.H) and a location that is operating system-dependent. On UNIX systems, it is located in the ORACLE_HOME/proc directory. If a file named PMSCFG.H is not found in the standard location, this warning message is issued.
Action: Create a system configuration file in the standard location. The file can be empty. See also the operating system-specific Oracle documentation.
Cause: An option that takes a list of values was entered. The value list did not have a closing parenthesis. This error may also occur if the list of values entered on a single line was too long and Pro*C truncated it.
Action: Ensure that all value lists are terminated with a closing parenthesis. Split long value lists into individual entries.
Cause: The precompiler connected to Oracle but could not invoke the PL/SQL engine. This error can result if an earlier release of Oracle7 is used without the Procedural Option.
Action: To use PL/SQL, upgrade to a more recent release of Oracle7.
Cause: The precompiler could not open the input file. This is the .pc file specified in the INAME=option. This means that the file does not exist, that a directory was incorrectly specified in the path name, or that the person running the precompiler does not have read permission for the file. This message could also result from operating-system errors. For example, an unmounted file system or disk I/O errors, could trigger this error.
Action: Check that permission to read the file exists and that the full path name has been specified correctly. Check for operating system problems. See also the operating system-specific Oracle documentation.
Cause: The precompiler issues this message after a more specific message.
Action: Correct the problem specified in the previous message or messages.
Cause: The username was specified on the command line without a password. For example:
proc sqlcheck=full iname=sample1.pc userid=scott
Action: Re-enter the command line, and include the password or specify the password when prompted.
Cause: The precompiler could not connect to Oracle with the username, password, and, if applicable, database link that was supplied. Note that this is a precompiler message, not a runtime message. This means that the USERID option value, either on the command line or in a configuration file, was incorrect.
Action: Check that the username and password are current and correct. Run SVRMGR or SQL*Plus and verify that connection can be made using that username and password.
Cause: The precompiler could not open the listing file. This message can result from many causes. For example:
Action: Track down the cause of the error, as suggested above, and correct it.
Cause: The USERID option was specified on the command line, but SQLCHECK was not equal to FULL or SEMANTICS. The USERID has no effect, unless SQLCHECK=FULL or SQLCHECK=SEMANTICS. This is a warning message only.
Action: No action required.
Cause: The PARSE=FULL and CODE=CPP options were both specified on the command line. The PARSE=FULL option invokes the C parser which does not understand any C++ constructs generated by the precompiler with CODE=CPP option.
Action: Set the PARSE option to either NONE or PARTIAL if the CODE=CPP option is specified.
Cause: UNSAFE_NULL=YES was specified on the command line, but either the MODE was not ORACLE or the DBMS was not V7 or V8.
Action: Specify MODE=ORACLE and DBMS=V7 or V8 when using UNSAFE_NULL=YES.
Cause: SQLCHECK=NONE was specified on the command line but is no longer a supported option. SQLCHECK=SYNTAX was used instead.
Action: This is a warning message only. To avoid this warning, specify SQLCHECK=SYNTAX or SQLCHECK=SEMANTICS.
Cause: DBMS=V6_CHAR was specified on the command line but is no longer a supported option. The options CHAR_MAP=VARCHAR2 and DBMS=V7 were used instead.
Action: This is a warning message only. To avoid this warning, specify CHAR_MAP=VARCHAR2 and, if required, DBMS=V7.
Cause: DBMS=V6 was specified, and CHAR_MAP was specified with a value other than VARCHAR2. The CHAR_MAP value is ignored.
Action: This is a warning message only. To avoid this warning, specify a DBMS value other than DBMS=V6 or use CHAR_MAP=VARCHAR2.
Cause: OBJECTS=YES was specified on the Pro*C command line, but the DBMS option value was not valid.
Action: This is a warning message only. To avoid this warning for OBJECTS=YES, use DBMS=V8 or DBMS=NATIVE with a V8 database.
Cause: DBMS=V6 was specified on the command line, but is no longer a supported option value. The options DBMS=NATIVE and CHAR_MAP=VARCHAR2 were used instead.
Action: Check your program to verify that you are not depending on any V6 behavior. Refer to the Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide for effects of specifying DBMS=V6.
Cause: The semantics of certain operations (such as character comparison) in Oracle version ^ are not 100% compliant with the ANSI/ISO SQL standards. When V6 semantics are requested, using the DBMS=V6 or DBMS=V6_CHAR option, precompilation with MODE=ANSI is not permitted.
Action: Do not use ANSI mode with V6 options.
Cause: An attempt was made to precompile a header file where the output data file could not be opened (or created) for writing.
Action: Check for appropriate permissions on the directory and possibly file objects (if a data file already exists) to make sure that write permissions have been granted.
Cause: An attempt was made to precompile a header file without specifying the name of the extension to use when creating the generated data file.
Action: Use the HEADER option to specify the name of a file extension to use when creating a data file for a precompiled header.
Cause: This is an internal error message not usually issued.
Action: Call Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error message not usually issued.
Action: Call Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error message not usually issued. It indicates that a C string function, such as STRCPY or STRLEN, returned an error.
Action: Call Oracle Support Services.
Cause: A zero length option was specified on the command line.
Action: Re-enter the command line with a valid option.
Cause: This is a final message that the precompiler issues when information about the command line options has been requested. For example, if the command proc ? is issued to get a list of current default values for the command line options, this message appears at the end of the list.
Action: No action required.
Cause: This is an internal message for program exceptions. An unexpected condition was encountered by the command-line processor and a consistency check failed. Some possible causes of this message include:
Action: Report this error to Oracle Support Services after gathering the following information:
Cause: An equal sign (=) was either immediately preceded or followed by a blank character.
Action: Precompile your program again without blank characters on either side of any equal sign (=) on the command line.
Cause: An error was encounter at the given location.
Action: Check the named source file and correct the error using the additional information which follows this error message.
Cause: An error was encounter at the given location.
Action: Check the listed source file and correct the error using the additional information which follows this error message.
Cause: The file contains an error, but could not be reopened to list or display the incorrect line.
Action: Check that the file is intact and it has read permission. Then rerun the operation.
Cause: A new source file was opened while producing the list file.
Action: No action required; this is an informational message.
Cause: A source file was closed while producing the list file.
Action: No action required; this is an informational message.
Cause: The error indicates that the precompiler parser encountered a badly-formed identifier or keyword.
Action: Correct the syntax.
Cause: This general message precedes one or more specific messages that detail the nature of the error.
Action: No action required. Correct the errors diagnosed in the following message(s).
Cause: The precompiler parser encountered a TYPEDEF statement that had no name after the type specification. For example:
typedef int;
Action: Correct the syntax.
Cause: The parser can emit this message when a general syntax error occurs, for example, an unmatched '{' or '('.
Action: Correct the syntax.
Cause: EXEC SQL INCLUDE statements cannot be nested. Also, EXEC SQL INCLUDE statement cannot be put inside a file that is included using the #include preprocessor command.
Action: Recode the program so that the nested include statement is not required.
Cause: The precompiler parser encountered a syntax error, either in C code or in SQL code. A more specific message should follow.
Action: No action required for this message. Take the appropriate action for any following messages.
Cause: A Data Definition Language statement cannot use host variables. For example, the statement:
CREATE TABLE :table_name (c1 char(10));
is illegal, because the name of the table in a CREATE TABLE statement cannot be represented using host variable.
Action: Use dynamic SQL to create the names of database objects (tables, views, columns, and so on) at runtime. See the language-specific Precompiler Programmer's Guide for information about dynamic SQL.
Cause: The precompiler parser encountered a #define directive that had no macro name associated with it. For example:
Action: Correct the syntax.
Cause: The precompiler parser encountered a #include directive that had no filename associated with it. For example:
Action: Specify appropriate filename with the #include directive, or correct the syntax.
Cause: A macro invocation in the source does not have the same number of arguments as the macro definition in the #define line.
Action: Correct the macro reference or the macro definition.
Cause: C++ punctuation sequences are not supported by the ProC/C++ precompiler.
Action: Rewrite your C++ code without using punctuation sequences and precompile it again.
Cause: The semantic analysis phase of the precompiler could not reopen the input file to generate the output code.
Action: Check that the input file and its directory protection and privileges do not change during precompilation.
Cause: Pro*C was unable to open one or both temporary files required for code generation. The user executing the precompiler must have write permission (and/or the appropriate privileges) on the current directory.
Action: Check that permission exists to create files in the directory where you precompile.
Cause: The precompiler was not able to open a header file specified using the #INCLUDE preprocessor directive or the EXEC SQL INCLUDE statement. This can happen if the file specification is inaccurate or if read permission or read-access rights on the file or on one or more of the directories in the path have not been granted.
Action: Recheck that the file specification is correct, that the file exists, and that read permission has been granted so that the file can be read.
Cause: A C function using invalid syntax was declared.
Action: Consult a C programming manual and correct the declaration.
Cause: All C functions using either the traditional style (K&R style) function declarations or the new (ANSI) style must be declared; the two styles cannot be mixed.
Action: Adopt a consist declaration style for functions.
Cause: A C function was declared with a name that is not a legal C identifier.
Action: Use legal C identifiers for all function names.
Cause: A function can be declared or defined using the following syntax:
int func1(void)
to indicate that the function has no parameters. void
can be used only once in this case.
Action: Remove the extra voids in the function definition or declaration.
Cause: A function definition written in ANSI C must have both the name and the type for all parameters.
Action: Rewrite the function definition so that it contains the name of each parameter.
Cause: A formal parameter to a function was specified without giving its type.
Action: Rewrite the function declaration and include types of all parameters in function declarations.
Cause: Many C compilers allow structures to be passed to and returned from functions. Although a VARCHAR is implemented as a C struct, VARCHARs must be passed to a function as pointers.
Action: Take the address of a VARCHAR when it is passed to a function. See the Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide for more information.
Cause: Host variables cannot contain bit fields.
Action: Recode the application to remove the bit fields.
Cause: A VARCHAR variable having more that 2 dimensions was declared. Multidimensional arrays are not supported as host variables.
Action: Recode the application to remove multidimensional array usage.
Cause: When a VARCHAR is declared, a length specification is mandatory. For example, the following VARCHAR declaration is meaningless, hence illegal:
Action: Specify the length for each declared VARCHAR.
Cause: A SIZEOF operator was used where a precompiler expression was expected. For example, as the length of a varchar.
Action: Eliminate the SIZEOF operator in this instance.
Cause: The specified expression does not evaluate to a constant. Such expressions are required, for example, as the length of a VARCHAR.
Action: Replace the expression with one that does evaluate to a constant integer.
Cause: A non-arithmetic operator was present in a constant expression.
Action: Rewrite the expression to eliminate the non-arithmetic operator.
Cause: An illegal cast is present in the expression.
Action: Remove the illegal cast.
Cause: The specified expression is missing the declaration of a type.
Action: Specify a type for the expression.
Cause: The type of a variable does not match is usage. For example, in dynamic SQL, a host variable containing the text of a SQL statement must be declared as a C character type or be equivalenced to the SQL type STRING.
Action: Remove the declaration.
Cause: The arithmetic expression must be specified with integral types.
Action: Rewrite the expression using integral types.
Cause: Pointer values cannot be added, multiplied, or divided. The only arithmetic operation permitted with pointers is subtraction.
Action: Recode to avoid this error message.
Cause: An identifier used in a SQL statement was not defined. For example, a cursor name was referenced that had not been declared, or in a DECLARE CURSOR statement, a statement name was used that had not been PREPAREd.
Action: Check that all SQL identifiers, such as cursor names and statement names, have been defined before use. Provide a declaration for the variable and/or its type identifier.
Cause: The name of a TYPEDEF was found where a variable was expected.
Action: Rewrite the expression and remove the reference to the TYPEDEF.
Cause: The name of a variable was found where a TYPEDEF was expected.
Action: Rewrite the expression and specify the correct TYPEDEF reference.
Cause: An attempt was made to use a non-pointer type as a pointer.
Action: Rewrite the expression.
Cause: A structure component using invalid syntax was referenced. For example, a -> operator was used instead of a required `.' operator.
Action: Correct the invalid reference.
Cause: A scalar host variable was used in a context where a structure (or its pointer) is required.
Action: Make the host variable a structure or add more scalar host variables to satisfy the SQL syntax requirements.
Cause: A structure component was referenced that was not declared as part of the structure.
Action: Redefine the structure member.
Cause: A function was referenced that was not declared. All function references must be declared.
Action: Declare the function.
Cause: The expression does not evaluate to an integer. For example, a SQL FOR expression must evaluate to an integral type.
Action: Rewrite the expression.
Cause: All SQL identifiers must be declared before they are used. This message can result when a CURSOR or STATEMENT is not declared (defined) before being referenced.
Action: Define the SQL identifier before it is used.
Cause: A SQL identifier (such as a cursor name) can be defined only once.
Action: Do not redefine the SQL identifier. Use a different name.
Cause: A SQL statement identifier was referenced in a DECLARE... CURSOR statement that was not PREPAREd.
Action: Check that all SQL statement names have been declared. Remember that SQL statement names are identifiers, not variables, and that they are local to the precompilation unit.
Cause: A cursor name was used in an OPEN, FETCH, or CLOSE statement that had not been DECLAREd.
Action: Check that all SQL cursor names have been declared. Remember that cursors are identifiers, not variables, and that they are local to the precompilation unit.
Cause: In a Dynamic SQL Method 4 application, the DECLARE... CURSOR statement must name a statement identifier that has been PREPAREd in a preceding statement. The PREPARE statement must physically (not logically) precede the DECLARE command.
Action: This error message is followed by another message that gives the line and column of the reference to the statement. Recode the application.
Cause: The host variable was declared using a C type that is not permitted as a host variable. See the Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide for a list of the permissible C types for host variables.
Action: Use a permissible host variable type.
Cause: Host variable arrays of scalars with more than 1 dimension cannot be declared. The only host variables allowed to be multi-dimensioned are CHAR and VARCHAR.
Action: Rewrite the variable declaration.
Cause: A structure used as a host variable may not have structures or unions nested within it.
Action: Rewrite the variable declaration.
Cause: A C union as a host variable cannot be used.
Action: This error message is followed by another message that gives the line and column of the reference to the illegal union. Recode, using a struct or individual scalar host variables.
Cause: Bit fields are not allowed in host variables because they are meaningless for database DML operations.
Action: This error message is followed by another message that gives the line and column of the reference to the offending host variable. Recode the application.
Cause: A host variable has an type that is not permitted (that is, ENUM, VOID, and so on).
Action: Rewrite the host variable declaration, using a permissible host variable type.
Cause: When MODE=Oracle, a cursor defined with a WHERE CURRENT OF clause must also have a FOR UPDATE clause.
Action: Rewrite the cursor definition.
Cause: A cursor definition must be a SELECT statement.
Action: Rewrite the cursor definition.
Cause: Host variable arrays in a single statement should all be of equal size.
Action: Redefine the bind variable array lengths to all be the same size.
Cause: Embedded PL/SQL blocks require that the command-line flag SQLCHECK=SEMANTICS is used.
Action: Use the SQLCHECK=SEMANTICS option. This also requires that the USERID connect option be given.
Cause: A database entity, such as a table or column name, was referenced, that does not exist. This is a compile time error, not a runtime error.
Action: Check that all referenced objects in PL/SQL statements actually exist and that the necessary access permission on them have been granted.
Cause: A PL/SQL statement was used illegally.
Action: Check the PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference for the correct syntax.
Cause: Indicator variables associated with host variables cannot be used in EXECIAF statements such as GET and PUT in a user exit.
Action: Eliminate the indicator variable. If feasible (for example with Forms V4), use EXEC TOOLS statements, which do allow indicator variables. See the Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide for more information.
Cause: In a VAR or TYPE statement, certain Oracle types require that the precision be specified. For example, VARCHAR2 or CHAR.
Action: Indicate the precision.
Cause: Datatype or variable equivalencing to the datatypes NUMBER or DECIMAL cannot be used. See the Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide for more information.
Action: Use the appropriate datatype for the application.
Cause: The datatype specified could not be equivalenced, or the syntax was incorrect in the VAR or TYPE statement.
Action: See the Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide for a list of the datatypes that can be equivalenced and the correct syntax of the VAR or TYPE statement.
Cause: PL/SQL requested a bind position that does not exist.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This error message precedes a more specific error message.
Action: No action required. Correct the error(s) reported in the following message(s).
Cause: The Pro*C Precompiler reads header files referenced in #INCLUDE directives and uses the values defined in them. But the precompiler never generates code using statements in header files, so use of SQL statements in these files is illegal.
Action: Move the SQL statement(s) into the main body of the application or use EXEC SQL INCLUDE to check that the included file is precompiled.
Cause: A command-line option that is not used in Pro*C Release 2.0 was specified. For example, the option AREASIZE is no longer valid with precompilers used with the Oracle7 Server.
Action: No action required. This is an informational message.
Cause: This is a generic warning message. It precedes a more specific warning.
Action: No action required. Correct the error(s) indicated in the following message(s).
Cause: Only objects that are LVALUES (that resolve to an address) can be host variables. Because a function call is not an LVALUE, one cannot be used in place of a host variable.
Action: Recode the application.
Cause: A declared array must be specified as the argument for an ARRAYLEN statement. Declare the array textually before the ARRAYLEN statement. See the Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide for the syntax of the ARRAYLEN statement.
Action: Correct the statement, specifying a host array as the argument.
Cause: The expression that specifies the ARRAYLEN dimension must evaluate to an integer. For example, the statement EXEC SQL ARRAYLEN my_array(1,3) cannot be parsed.
Action: Correct the statement, using an integral dimension.
Cause: Arrays of some host variables types are not allowed and hence also cannot be used in ARRAYLEN statements. VARCHAR and DATE are examples.
Action: Specify an array with a datatype that can be used in host arrays.
Cause: ARRAYLEN is only valid with arrays that can be bound in PL/SQL blocks.
Action: Use an appropriate array type.
Cause: When MODE=ANSI is specified at precompile time, all host variables must be declared inside Declare Sections. Remember that MODE=ANSI refers to ANSI SQL, not ANSI C.
Action: Add the EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION... EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION statements around all host variable declarations.
Cause: If a host variable is a structure, the associated indicator variable must also be a structure.
Action: Recode the application to create an indicator variable as a structure.
Cause: When a structure containing indicator variables is declared and associated with a host structure, the indicator structure must contain the same number of fields as the host structure. This is so even when some of the indicators will not be used or even when it would not make sense to do so (for fields constrained as NON NULL, for example).
Action: Redeclare the indicator variable with the correct number of fields.
Cause: An indicator array must have dimension greater than or equal to the corresponding host variable array dimension.
Action: Change the dimension of the indicator array.
Cause: The semantics of certain operations (such as character comparison) in Oracle version ^ are not 100% compliant with the ANSI/ISO SQL standards. When V6 semantics are requested, using the DBMS=V6 or DBMS=V6_CHAR option, precompilation with MODE=ANSI is not permitted.
Action: Do not use ANSI mode with V6 options.
Cause: An indicator for a host variable of this type must have the C type short. An array of such indicators must be an array of shorts.
Action: Declare the indicator variable or indicator array as type short.
Cause: If a host variable is used to define a context name in an EXEC TOOLS GET CONTEXT or EXEC TOOLS SET CONTEXT statement, that host variable must be of a character type.
Action: Redeclare the context name to a host variable of a char type.
Cause: The host variable specifying an EXEC TOOLS context must be a pointer type.
Action: Redeclare the variable, making sure that it is a pointer.
Cause: f a host variable is used to define a context name in an EXEC TOOLS GET CONTEXT or EXEC TOOLS SET CONTEXT statement, that host variable must be of a character type.
Action: Declare the message to a host variable of a char type.
Cause: The argument of a FOR clause must be specified as an integer or as an identifier containing an integer.
Action: Rewrite the FOR clause.
Cause: A SQL statement containing a SELECT command cannot contain a FOR clause. The meaning of such a statement would be unclear.
Action: Rephrase the SELECT statement, removing the FOR clause.
Cause: An improper declaration was placed in a DECLARE section. This message is usually caused by including an EXEC SQL TYPE or EXEC SQL VAR declaration in a DECLARE section.
Action: Move the declaration outside of the SQL DECLARE section.
Cause: The value given to the SQLCHECK option in an EXEC ORACLE statement in a program was greater than the value given either on the command line or greater than the default value if no SQLCHECK option was given on the command line. The order of the option values is SEMANTICS>SYNTAX>NONE. When this warning message is issued, the original value of SQLCHECK (the default or the command-line value) stays in effect.
Action: Remove or recode the EXEC Oracle option(s) in the .PC source file to avoid this warning message.
Cause: A SQL statement other than a declarative, datatype equivalence or WHENEVER statement was found outside the body of a function when PARSE=FULL.
Action: Move the SQL statement inside the body of a function.
Cause: The DEF_SQLCODE option may not be specified if a SQLCODE declaration already explicitly appears in the program.
Action: Remove the SQLCODE declaration from the program or specify DEF_SQLCODE=NO (the default).
Cause: An array of implicit VARCHARS was declared when HOST_VARCHAR=TRUE.
Action: Rewrite the implicit VARCHAR declaration without using arrays.
Cause: A variable declared as a National Language character using the NLS_CHAR option was not declared as a char or implicit VARCHAR.
Action: Declare the variable as a char or implicit VARCHAR or do not specify using the NLS_CHAR option.
Cause: A National Language character variable (specified using the NLS_CHAR option) has undergone datatype equivalencing using either the EXEC SQL VAR or TYPE statements.
Action: Do not equivalence National Language character variables.
Cause: An attempt was made to connect in either SYSOPER or SYSDBA mode while at the same time trying to change passwords using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION clause in the same CONNECT statement.
Action: Changing passwords while connecting in SYSOPER or SYSDBA mode is prohibited. Rewrite the connect statement by either removing the ALTER AUTHORIZATION clause or the CONNECT MODE clause.
Cause: NLS_CHAR was used to specify NLS multi-byte character variables without specifying MODE=ANSI.
Action: Specify MODE=ANSI on the command line when using NLS_LOCAL=TRUE.
Cause: The type of the bind variable given in a REGISTER CONNECT USING statement was not (pointer to) OCIExtProcContext.
Action: Declare a variable having type (pointer to) OCIExtProcContext and use it in the REGISTER CONNECT USING statement.
Cause: An array declaration was given without an array length specifier.
Action: Provide the length for the array declaration.
Cause: The CHAR_MAP option was specified while indicating which host variables are to be treated by the precompiler as NLS multi-byte character variables. This mapping cannot be performed with the option NLS_LOCAL=TRUE. This error also occurs when DBMS=V6 is used in conjunction with NLS_CHAR and NLS_LOCAL=TRUE.
Action: Remove either the CHAR_MAP option or set NLS_LOCAL=FALSE. Ensure that DBMS is not set to V6.
Cause: An explicit AT clause was used with an ALLOCATE statement or a FETCH/CLOSE statement also using a SQL_CURSOR declaration.
Action: Remove the AT clause.
Cause: A host bind variable was used in an ALLOCATE, FETCH or CLOSE statement that was not declared as a result set SQL_CURSOR.
Action: Declare the variable to be of type SQL_CURSOR.
Cause: A host array was used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT-INTO statement.
Action: Rewrite the SELECT statement without using arrays or use a cursor.
Cause: A host array was used in the SELECT list of a SELECT-INTO statement.
Action: Rewrite the SELECT statement without using arrays in SELECT list.
Cause: No EXEC SQL CONTEXT USE statement was encountered and the option THREADS=YES was requested.
Action: Ensure that the necessary context variable (of type SQL_CONTEXT) has been declared and that has been ALLOCATEd and USEd prior to any executable SQL statements.
Cause: The host variable in a EXEC SQL CONTEXT USE statement or in the RETURNING clause of a REGISTER CONNECT statement was not declared to be of type SQL_CONTEXT.
Action: Declare the runtime context variable to be of type SQL_CONTEXT.
Cause: A SQL DECLARE SECTION appears nested inside another one.
Action: Do not nest DECLARE SECTIONS. Remove any nested inner ones.
Cause: An executable SQL statement appears inside a DECLARE SECTION.
Action: Move the SQL statement into the body of a function.
Cause: The values of INAME and ONAME are the same or the default output filename is the same as that specified by ONAME.
Action: Use ONAME to specify a different filename for the output file.
Cause: An array of some unnamed struct was used as a host variable. When using arrays of structs, the struct requires a name or tag.
Action: Provide a name for the struct.
Cause: An array of a struct that contained arrays of scalars or two-dimensional char or VARCHAR fields was used as a host variable.
Action: Rewrite the struct so that there are no scalar arrays or two-dimensional char or VARCHAR fields.
Cause: A VARCHAR declaration was found in a file included using a #include form.
Action: Use the EXEC SQL INCLUDE form to include files with VARCHAR declarations instead.
Cause: An indicator variable was used in a host/indicator variable pair for some type in a statement that did not require or need one. Typically, indicator variables are not used in ALLOCATE and FREE statements for types other than object or collection types. They are also not used in OBJECT CREATE/DEREF statements for REF types.
Action: Remove the use of the indicator for the type in the specified statement. It will be ignored otherwise.
Cause: A CHAR_MAP option other than CHAR_MAP=VARCHAR2 was specified inline. Since DBMS=V6, this option is ignored for a character or string variable in the offending statement.
Action: Either set DBMS to something other than V6, or specify CHAR_MAP=VARCHAR2.
Cause: The specified host variable was not declared as a pointer type.
Action: Declare the host variable to be a pointer type.
Cause: Host variable arrays of the specified type are not supported.
Action: Rewrite your program so that there are no arrays of this type.
Cause: The object cache will be used for this host variable, but OBJECTS=NO was specified on the Pro*C command line.
Action: Specify OBJECTS=YES on the Pro*C command line when using the object cache.
Cause: The type of the indicator variable is not appropriate for the specified host variable.
Action: Change the type of the indicator variable to a valid type. Refer to the Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide for a discussion of appropriate indicator variable declarations.
Cause: The specified indicator variable was not declared as pointer type.
Action: Declare the indicator variable to be a pointer type.
Cause: No declaration was found for the type identifier of the variable.
Action: Provide a valid declaration for the type of the host variable. If using objects in your program, check that the OTT-generated header for the object type was #included and that the type file was specified in the INTYPE option on the Pro*C command line.
Cause: When using the RETURNING clause in an OBJECT CREATE statement, only a single 'REF INTO :host_variable' is expected. This error occurs if the expression list to which REF belongs is greater than one or if there are more than one host variables supplied in the into list.
Action: Rewrite the RETURNING clause as per the given specification.
Cause: In an OBJECT CREATE or DEREF statement, the types of the given Object and its associated REF do not match.
Action: Make sure that the Object and its REF have the same type. The type information is generated by OTT and should appear in the header file which OTT creates.
Cause: The expression is not an Object type. For example, many host variable expressions in the Navigational statements require that the variable be declared of some Object type.
Action: Rewrite the expression or declare the variable to be an Object.
Cause: The expression is not a REF type. For example, some host variables in the Navigational CREATE and DEREF statements are required to be declared of some REF type.
Action: Rewrite the expression or declare the variable to be a REF.
Cause: The expression is not a Collection type. A VARRAY or Nested Table object was expected, but the given host variable did not resolve to a valid Collection type.
Action: Check that the OTT-generated header for the Collection type was properly #included in the Pro*C/C++ program and that the type file was specified in the INTYPE option on the Pro*C/C++ command line.
Cause: The type of the host variable paired with the INDICATOR descriptor item was invalid. The only permissible types for the INDICATOR item are a signed 2 byte numeric type or an indicator struct generated by the Object Type Translator for a user defined object type.
Action: Either replace the INDICATOR host variable with a valid one having an acceptable type or redeclare the existing host variable to be of a valid type.
Cause: An explicit FOR clause was used in an OBJECT GET or OBJECT SET statement. Use of the FOR clause is illegal for these statements.
Action: Remove the FOR clause.
Cause: The number of attributes supplied in the attribute list of an OBJECT SET of GET statement does not match the total number of host variables also supplied in that statement.
Action: Either remove some attributes or remove some host variables from the statement in order to make the total count for each the same.
Cause: An attribute given in the attribute list of an OBJECT SET or GET statement is not a member of the specified object in that statement.
Action: Remove the attribute from the list.
Cause: An attempt was made to either GET or SET an attribute of an Object that itself was an Object or REF type.
Action: Remove the attribute from the attribute list in the statement.
Cause: The Object specified in an OBJECT GET or SET statement is an array which is illegal.
Action: Redeclare the Object so that it is not an array or subscript the Object so that only a single element of the Object array is specified.
Cause: An illegal type conversion was attempted in a Navigational GET or SET statement between the type of the Attribute and the type of the Host Variable.
Action: Change the type of either the Attribute or the Host Variable.
Cause: The array sizes of the Object and REF variables in an OBJECT CREATE or DEREF do not match.
Action: Adjust the array dimensions of the two host variables so that they are equal to one another.
Cause: An array was found in the host variable list of an OBJECT SET or GET statement.
Action: Only scalars are allowed (except for single dimensioned char or varchar variables) in the host variable list of an OBJECT SET or GET. Make sure to use only scalars in these statements.
Cause: An incomplete or perhaps missing type specification was given when declaring a host variable used in some SQL statement.
Action: Provide a complete type definition when declaring host variables intended for use inside any SQL statements.
Cause: No indicator variable was provided (or matched) with a specific host variable where one was explicitly required.
Action: Provide an indicator variable for use with the specified host variable in the given SQL statement.
Cause: An illegal value was given for the specified runtime context option in the CONTEXT option OPTION SET (or GET) statement.
Action: Use a valid option value in the statement for the specified option being manipulated by the statement.
Cause: The type of the host variable corresponding to a specific option value in a CONTEXT option OPTION SET (or GET) statement is invalid for that particular value.
Action: Use a type suitable for the specific value being manipulated.
Cause: There is a mismatch between the number of values specified and the number of valid host variables given in a CONTEXT option OPTION SET (or GET) statement.
Action: Use the same number of host variables as there are values given in that particular statement.
Cause: In a LOB or Collection DESCRIBE, an Indicator Variable was used with a Host Variable when retrieving a LOB attribute that doesn't require one.
Action: Remove the Indicator Variable.
Cause: A LOB operation was attempted between LOBs whose types were not compatible. For example, When ASSIGNing one LOB to another, both LOBs must be of the same type. If they are not, this error results.
Action: Correct the LOB operation by having it function between LOBs of the same type. This may require a redeclaration of one of the LOBs used in the LOB statement performing the specified operation.
Cause: The given host variable expression was not declared to be of the required character type. In this case, one of several possible character types would have been accepted. However, the host variable type did not match any of them.
Action: Redeclare the problematic host variable, using one of the permitted character types.
Cause: This error can occur in either of the following situations 1. An attempt to READ from a LOB into a buffer whose type was not compatible with the LOB type. 2. An attempt to WRITE a buffer into a LOB whose type was not compatible with the buffer type.
Action: Either the LOB type or the buffer type needs to be changed so that the LOB and buffer types become compatible for the specified operation.
Cause: The given host variable was not declared to be an Internal LOB. BLOB, CLOB or NCLOB would have been accepted, however, the type of the host variable did not match any of these.
Action: Redeclare the host variable using one of the Internal LOB types.
Cause: The given host variable was not declared to be any type of LOB, Internal or External. In addition to any Internal LOB type, BFILE would also have been accepted, however, the type of the host variable did not match any of these.
Action: Redeclare the host variable using any of the LOB types, Internal or External.
Cause: The given host variable was not declared to be an External LOB. Only BFILE would have been accepted in this case.
Action: Redeclare the host variable using an External LOB type (BFILE).
Cause: An attempt was made to OPEN a BFILE in READ WRITE mode. Writable BFILEs are currently not supported so this operation is considered erroneous.
Action: Do not open BFILEs using READ WRITE mode. BFILEs can only be OPENed in READ ONLY mode.
Cause: The host variable and attribute pairing in a LOB or Collection DESCRIBE is invalid. Most likely, this was due to some problem with the host variable. For example, this error could occur if the host variable was not declared or is otherwise not provided.
Action: Usually, other, more specific, errors will accompany this one. Correcting some or all of those problems should resolve this error.
Cause: An explicit FOR clause was used in some LOB statement. The use of the FOR clause in LOB statements is erroneous.
Action: Remove the FOR clause.
Cause: A request for a LOB attribute was made in a LOB DESCRIBE statement in which the given LOB was not of some Internal LOB type.
Action: Replace the LOB host variable in the LOB DESCRIBE with one that was declared to be an Internal LOB.
Cause: A request for a LOB attribute was made in a LOB DESCRIBE statement in which the given LOB was not an External LOB type (BFILE).
Action: Use an External LOB (BFILE) host variable in the LOB DESCRIBE statement.
Cause: A host variable was given that was not declared to be of some acceptable binary numeric integral type. Generally, when this error occurs, a signed or unsigned integral type was expected. Floating point or otherwise imprecise numeric types are considered erroneous.
Action: Replace the problematic host variable with one that was declared using a proper exact numeric integral type.
Cause: An array of collections was given in a COLLECTION statement. Only scalar (non-array) collection objects are allowed in any of the COLLECTION statements.
Action: Change the declaration of the Collection host variable so that it is not an array.
Cause: An illegal FOR clause was used in a COLLECTION statement that did not allow one, particularly, one of either the TRIM or DESCRIBE COLLECTION statements.
Action: Remove the FOR clause from the statement.
Cause: A request for a LOB attribute was made in a LOB DESCRIBE statement in which the given LOB host variable was neither an Internal an External LOB (BFILE) type.
Action: Use either an Internal or External LOB host variable in the LOB DESCRIBE statement.
Cause: There is a mismatch between the number of attributes and the number of valid host variables in the LOB or Collection DESCRIBE.
Action: Make sure that for each attribute being requested there is at most a single valid host variable given to hold its value.
Cause: The value specified in the WITH MAX clause of an ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR statement or the VALUE clause of a GET/SET DESCRIPTOR statement was either less than 1 or greater than 65535.
Action: Specify a value between 1 and 65535.
Cause: One of the following statements was used without specifying a DYNAMIC=ANSI command line option setting:
Action: Specify DYNAMIC=ANSI or remove statements like those above from the program.
Cause: There was a mixing of descriptor and non-descriptor clauses in an ANSI Dynamic SQL statement.
Action: Do not mix descriptors and non-descriptors in the ANSI statement in question.
Cause: The USING clause was used with an OPEN cursor statement where the cursor declaration was not for a PREPAREd statement. The correct sequence of statements should be as follows:
Action: Use the PREPARE statement for the SQL statement and use that in the DECLARE CURSOR statement.
Cause: An explicit FOR clause was used in a DEALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR statement.
Action: Remove the FOR clause from the statement.
Cause: A destination offset was specified in a LOB WRITE APPEND statement. The destination offset is assumed to be the end of the LOB so specifying an explicit destination offset is erroneous.
Action: Remove the destination offset from the LOB WRITE APPEND statement.
Cause: A variable declared as UTEXT, UVARCHAR, or LONGUVARCHAR was specified in the NLS_NCHAR command line option.
Action: Re-precompile without specifying the variable in an NLS_NCHAR command line option.
Cause: A UCS2 type has been type equivalenced in an EXEC SQL TYPE statement or a variable of UCS2 type has been type equivalenced in an EXEC SQL VAR statement.
Action: Remove the EXEC SQL TYPE or EXEC SQL VAR statement.
Cause: A cursor which was not DECLAREd in SCROLL mode was used in scrollable mode in the FETCH statement.
Action: Declare the cursor in scroll mode using the SCROLL keyword.
Cause: The offset for the FETCH ABSOLUTE statement is negative.
Action: Value of offset should be positive.
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