Oracle Workflow Guide
Release 2.6.2
Part Number A95265-03 |
To Run wfrund.sql
- 1. Enter the following command to run the script wfrund.sql in SQL*PLUS:
sqlplus <username>/<password>@<alias> @wfrund.sql
<req_num> <req_desc> <req_amount> <requestor>
<req_process_owner> <process_int_name> <item_type>
- Replace <username>/<password>@<alias> with the username, password, and alias for the database account where you installed the demonstration data model.
- Replace <req_num> with the requisition number that uniquely identifies the requisition.
- Replace <req_desc> with an end-user defined description that uniquely identifies the requisition.
- Replace <req_amount> with the amount of the requisition, <requestor> with the name of the requisition requestor (who should be listed in the employee approval hierarchy), <req_process_owner> with the name of the requisition process owner (who should be listed in the employee approval hierarchy), <process_int_name> with the internal name of the process activity (in this case, REQUISITION_APPROVAL) and <item_type> with the internal name of the item type that the workflow process is associated with.
- 2. When this script completes, enter Commit at the SQL> prompt to save the transaction before quitting from SQL*PLUS.

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