Oracle Workflow Guide
Release 2.6.2
Part Number A95265-03 |
To Initiate the Event System Demonstration Workflow from the Buyer Workbench
- Choose the Events: Buyer Workbench link to display the Buyer Workbench web page.
- Alternatively, you can enter the following URL to directly display the Buyer Workbench web page:
Attention: These are both secured pages, so if you have not yet logged on as a valid workflow user in the current web session, you will be prompted to do so before the page appears.
- 2. Enter a unique order number for the purchase order. The order number becomes the event key for the B2B Purchase Order event that is raised.
- 3. Select an item number.
- 4. Enter an item description of 40 characters or less.
- 5. Enter a deliver date in the format DD-MON-YYYY.
- 6. Enter the total amount for the purchase order. The amount should be a number without formatting.
- 7. Select a role name as the order requestor.
- 8. Choose the Submit button to submit the purchase order and display the Events: Track Order page. You can also choose the Cancel button to return to the Workflow Demonstrations page without submitting the purchase order.
- 10. Choose the Workflow Monitor link to view the progress of the Buyer: Top Level PO workflow process in the Workflow Monitor. See: Workflow Monitor.
- 11. Choose the Process Order link to run the background engine and process the deferred activity so that the buyer workflow can continue processing the purchase order.
See Also
To Set Up the Event System Demonstration Workflow
To Continue the Event System Demonstration Workflow on the Supplier System

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