Oracle Workflow Guide
Release 2.6.2
Part Number A95265-03 |
Initiating a Process
A workflow process begins when an application calls the Workflow Engine CreateProcess( )
and StartProcess( ) APIs or when a Business Event System subscription sends an event to launch the process. A subprocess is started when the Workflow Engine transitions to a process activity that represents the subprocess.
To launch a workflow process using the Business Event System, follow these steps:
- 1. Define a business event.
- 2. Define a subscription to this business event. In the subscription properties, specify the workflow item type and process that you want to launch.
- By default, Oracle Workflow uses the event key as the item key for the workflow process that is launched. If you want to generate the item key based on a custom rule, create a function that populates the correlation ID in the event message with the item key you want, and assign that function as the subscription's rule function.
- 3. Add the Raise() API to your custom application code at the point where you want to launch the workflow process.
See Also
Workflow Engine APIs
Managing Business Events

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