Oracle Workflow Guide
Release 2.6.2
Part Number A95265-03 |
To Add Nodes to a Workflow Process
- Double-click on a predefined process activity on the navigator tree.
- Select a predefined process activity and press Ctrl + E.
- Select a predefined process activity and choose Process Details from the Edit menu.
- A Process window opens with the name of your process in the window title.
- 2. Create a new node in a process by using one of the following methods:
- Drag and drop a notification, function, event, or process activity from the navigator tree into the Process window. The activity you drag must belong to the same data store as the process you are dragging it to.
Note: If you want to drag an activity into a process, where the activity is in a different data store than the process you are dragging it to, then you must first copy the item type that the activity belongs to into the same data store as the process.
- Choose the New Function, New Process, New Event, or New Notification toolbar button to create a new activity.
- Choose Create Activity from the right mouse button menu while your cursor is in the Process window to create a new activity node.
- 3. You can also create a new node using the right mouse button menu. You can create a new function, notification, event, or process. An Activities property page appears for you to select the activity for this node. See: To Define Nodes in a Process.
- 4. In the Process window, you can display information about an activity by moving your mouse over the activity. The Label Name, Internal Name, Display Name, Comment and Performer, appears in a "tool-tip"-style display.
- 5. If you single click on an activity node in the Process window, Oracle Workflow Builder expands the navigator tree and highlights the master activity of the node you select.
- 6. Create an arrow (transition) between two activity nodes by holding down your right mouse button and dragging your mouse from a source activity to destination activity.
- 7. If the source activity has no result code associated with it, then by default, no label appears on the transition. If you specifically choose to show the label for such a transition, the label <Default> appears. See: To Create and Edit a Transition.
- If the source activity has a result code associated with it, then a list of lookup values appears when you attempt to create a transition to the destination activity. Select a value to assign to the transition. You can also select the values <Default>, <Any>, or <Timeout> to define a transition to take if the activity returns a result that does not match the result of any other transition, if the activity returns any result, or if the activity times out, respectively.
- You can also drag and drop a lookup code from the navigator tree onto an existing transition in the Process window to change the result of that transition. The lookup code you drag and drop must belong to the same data store and same lookup type as the lookup code you replace.
- 8. You can select an entire region of a process diagram, containing multiple activity nodes and transitions, and make a copy of the selection by holding down the Control or Shift key as you drag the selection to a new position in the Process window.
Caution: Oracle Workflow does not support reusing a subprocess activity multiple times within a process hierarchy. If you wish to use a subprocess more than once in a process, you must create a distinct copy of the subprocess for each instance needed.
- 9. You should turn on grid snap from the View menu to snap your activity icons to the grid when you complete your diagram. Grid snap is initially turned on by default until you change the setting, at which point the latest setting becomes your default.
See Also
To Define Nodes in a Process
To Define Event Details for an Event Node
To Define Activity Attribute Values
To Create and Edit a Transition
To Display a Process Overview
To Print a Process
To Copy a Process Diagram to the Clipboard
To Validate a Process Definition
Process Window Toolbar

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