Oracle Workflow Guide
Release 2.6.2
Part Number A95265-03 |
Wait Activity
The Wait activity pauses the process for the time you specify. You can either wait until:
- a period of time after this activity is encountered
This activity calls the PL/SQL procedure named WF_STANDARD.WAIT.
Activity Attributes
The Wait activity has six activity attributes:
- Wait Mode--use this attribute to specify how to calculate the wait. You can choose one of the following wait modes:
- Absolute Date--to pause the activity until the date specified in the Absolute Date activity attribute is reached.
- Relative Time--to pause the activity until the number of days specified in the Relative Time activity attribute passes.
- Day of Month--to pause the activity until a specified day of the month, as indicated in the Day of Month activity attribute.
- Day of Week--to pause the activity until a specified day of the week, as indicated in the Day of Week activity attribute.
- Absolute Date--If Wait Mode is set to Absolute Date, enter an absolute date.
- Relative Time--If Wait Mode is set to Relative Time, enter a relative time expressed in <days>.<fraction of days>. For example, enter 0.5 for a wait time of half a day (12 hours).
- Day of Month--If Wait Mode is set to Day of Month, choose a day of the month from the list. If the day you choose has already passed in the current month, then the activity waits until that day in the following month.
- Day of Week--If Wait Mode is set to Day of Week, choose a day of the week from the list. If the day you choose has already passed in the current week, then the activity waits until that day in the following week.
- Time of Day--The Wait activity always pauses until midnight of the time specified, unless you use this Time of Day activity attribute to specify a time other than midnight that the Wait activity should pause until.
See: To Define Activity Attribute Values.

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