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Core Lecture "Information Retrieval and Data Mining" WS 2007/08

Requirements for Passing the Course:

The requirements for passing the course and obtaining credit points are:

  1. You must convincingly present a correct solution to one of the exercises in the tutoring group at least once.
  2. You must pass at least two out of three quick tests that will be offered during the semester. The tests will be in written form, each with two or three questions that repeat material from the lecture and the assignments. Each test will last 30 to 60 minutes. The tests will take place at the time of the lecture and in the lecture room, most likely on the following dates: Tuesday, November 27, Tuesday, January 15, and Thursday, February 14. The final dates will be announced at least one week in advance.
  3. You must pass a final exam, in oral or written form (more likely in oral form, lasting 15-20 minutes). The oral exams would most likely take place Monday to Wednesday, March 3-5.

Grading System:

Your grades will be primarily determined by the final exam. You can earn bonus points that will improve your grade in the following ways, where one bonus point corresponds to a third mark in the German grading system (so that three bonus points will improve your grade from the final exam by a full mark, e.g., from 3.0 (C) to 2.0 (B) or from 2.7 (C+) to 1.7 (B+)).

  1. Each time you convincingly present a correct solution to one of the exercise in your tutoring group, in addition to the mandatory presentation for passing, will earn you one bonus point. You can earn up to 2 bonus points this way.
  2. The quick tests will be assessed with one of the following coarse-grained grades: very good, ok, failed. Each test that is graded as very good will earn you one bonus point. You can earn up to 3 bonus points this way.

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