Oracle Enterprise Manager Messages Manual Release 9.2.0 Part Number A96671-01 |
Cause: An SNMP Master Agent is used to communicate with a third party SNMP monitoring console. The specified service could not contact the SNMP master agent. The master agent supported by Oracle for this platform is not installed, or has not been started. Messages specific to this platform follow.
This is a warning and does not prevent the agent from communicating with the console. If Oracle Enterprise Manager is the only monitoring console accessing this agent, the NMS-00001 error can be considered informational and should be ignored. Configuration of the SNMP Master Agent is not reguired for the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.
Action: Consult Oracle documentation for your platform; then, make sure that the correct SNMP master agent is installed and started. The SNMP Master Agent and the Oracle Intelligent Agent must be configured correctly before the Oracle Intelligent Agent can communicate over SNMP to the Master Agent.
The Oracle Intelligent Agent needs to be configured. The 7.3.2.x agent required an SNMP.ORA file. All later versions of the Oracle Intelligent Agent are self-configuring and do not reguire the creation of an snmp.ora file.
Solution Explanation
1. The Oracle Intelligent Agent needs to be configured. The 7.3.2.x agent required an SNMP.ORA file. All later versions of the Oracle Intelligent Agent are self-configuring and do not reguire the creation of an snmp.ora file.
2. The SNMP Master Agent needs to be configured and started.
After installing the Oracle Intelligent Agent, complete the following tasks:
The following files need to be verified:
Edit the $ORACLE_HOME/network/snmp/peer/CONFIG.master file.
Find the line beginning with "MANAGER" and change the IPADDRESS coded in this line to match the IPADDRESS of the machine where the SNMP traps will be sent.
Edit the $ORACLE_HOME/network/snmp/peer/CONFIG.encap file.
Find the line "AGENT AT PORT". It normally reads "AGENT AT PORT 1161 WITHCOMMUNITY public". If you modify the port number from 1161, you must alsomodify the start_peer script.
Find the line "NEW_SNMPD_PORT=" and verify that it is using the same port number listed above in the CONFIG.encap file. Find the line "NEW_TRAPD_PORT=" and verify the port number is different than the "NEW_SNMPD_PORT="
Add the following line to the file:
trap <hostname or ipaddress>
**NOTE: Replace the information in brackets with the actual hostname or IP address of the local host where the file is located.
cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/snmp/peer su root ( logon as root ) ./start_peer -a ( ./ means to execute in that directory)
All three processes should get started with this command. Now use the ps command to determine if all three processes were started:
ps -aux |grep peer ps -aux |grep snmpd
The start_peer script will start all agent except dbsnmp. The Master Agent uses the priviledges ports for SNMP and must be run as root.
The original snmpd is started at system boot time and uses the ports 161 and 162 which are defined in the /etc/services file.
If the Master Agent does not start, check the master_peer.out file in the $ORACLE_HOME/network/peer directory.
Sometimes it takes a few minutes for the processes to stop after killing them, so wait a few minutes before attempting to restart the agents.
Cause: The specified service was unable to allocate enough memory to hold all the snmp.ora parameters. This may indicate that the parameters are too big, but more likely it may indicate a system error.
Action: Check system configuration, and if possible, reduce the number of the processes running. If this does not fix the problem, report this problem to Oracle Support Services.
Cause: The snmp.ora file could not be opened and read by the specified service. The location of this file varies by platform, but normally it must be in the same directory as other Oracle Net Services parameter files. If the problem could be traced to a specific parameter, detailed error messages may follow this one.
Action: Consult the documentation for your platform, then create the file in the proper location, and restart the program.
Cause: The specified service was unable to register its MIB or MIB row with the master agent. Detailed, platform-specific messages follow.
Action: Consult the documentation for SNMP on your platform. If the messages indicate that another program already has that MIB or MIB row registered, you may want to terminate that program, then retry.
You may also want to set the following in the server's /etc/snmpd.conf:
smux 0.0 "" <ipaddress of server>
If you still get the nms-00004 error, turn on logging in the snmpd.conf file with the following parameter:
logging file=/usr/tmp/snmpd.log enabled
Check the log file for more information.
Cause: The snmp.ora file does not contain a configured snmp.visibleservices parameter, or the snmp.ora file is empty.
Action: Edit or create the snmp.ora file and try again.
Cause: The snmp.ora file did not contain the indicated parameter. This parameter was required. Normally this would happen because one of the services mentioned in snmp.visibleservices required one or more detail parameters to be supplied, such as the one indicated.
Action: Edit the snmp.ora file to include the parameter and restart the agent.
Cause: The specified service was unable to allocate memory.
Action: Check system configuration and if possible, reduce the number of processes running. If this does not fix the problem, report the problem to Oracle Support Services.
Cause: The specified environment variable is not found.
Action: Make this environment variable available to the agent.
Cause: The subagent successfully connected to the master agent.
Action: None. This message does not indicate an error.
Cause: The subagent successfully logged off from the master agent. This would normally be a part of the shutdown process.
Action: None. This message does not indicate an error.
Cause: The subagent has completed its MIB or MIB row registrations.
Action: None. This message does not indicate an error.
Cause: The subagent has completed its MIB or MIB row deregistrations. This is normally part of the shutdown process.
Action: None. This message does not indicate an error.
Cause: The snmp.ora file did not contain the indicated parameter, which was optional. The service instead used its default value for that parameter.
Action: If a value other than the default is desired, edit or create the snmp.ora file and try again.
Cause: The database subagent was unable to connect to the database. The detailed error message follows.
Action: Consult Oracle9i Database Error Messages for the detailed error message.
Cause: The database subagent was unable to connect to the database, and received the specified error number and text message. The detailed error message follows.
Action: Consult Oracle9i Database Error Messages for the detailed error message.
Cause: The database subagent was unable to listen on the specified TNS address, possibly because another instance of the database agent has already claimed the address. If more information is available, it will appear under this error.
Action: If another instance of the database agent is already running, either allow it to continue running or bring it down and try again.
Cause: The database subagent was unable to listen on the specified TNS address, possibly because another instance of the database agent has already claimed the address. If more information is available, it will appear under this error.
Action: If another instance of the database agent is already running, either allow it to continue running or bring it down and try again.
You can try to run CATSNMP.SQL with the sys account.The CATSNMP.SQL script must be ran against all databases that are listed in the SNMP.ORA's SNMP.VISIBLESERVICES paramters.
When the Intelligent Agent is started, the process reads the SNMP.ORA file to get the initialization parameters. The process will attempt to logon as DBSNMP/DBSNMP to each of the databases aliases listed in SNMP.VISIBLESERVICES line in the SNMP.ORA file. Since the CATSNMP.SQL script creates the DBSNMP account, it must be ran prior to starting the Intelligent Agent process.
To run the script, use SQL*PLUS at the server:
SQLPLUS> connect internal
SQLPLUS> @catsnmp
Repeat this process for each database referenced in the SNMP.ORA file.
Next, start the Intelligent Agent process:
LSNRCTL dbsnmp_start
Cause: The character set information is not available.
Action: Check if nls_database_parameters table exists.
Cause: The database subagent started successfully.
Action: None. This message provides information only; it does not indicate an error.
Cause: The database subagent has received the shutdown command and is processing it.
Action: None. This message provides information only; it does not indicate an error.
Cause: The shutdown process has completed. This should be the last message output.
Action: None. This message provides information only; it does not indicate an error.
Cause: The subagent successfully logged on to the specified database. This message may also appear if the database goes down and comes back up.
Action: None. This message provides information only; it does not indicate an error.
Cause: The subagent successfully logged off from the specified database. This would normally be a part of the shutdown process.
Action: None. This message provides information only; it does not indicate an error.
Cause: The specified database became inaccessible, and the subagent then sent an SNMP trap. This may not indicate a problem, since the database may have been shut down deliberately (the subagent is unable to distinguish the cause of the inaccessibility). The destination(s) of the trap are normally set as part of master agent configuration.
Action: If the shutdown was not deliberate, consult Oracle9i Database Error Messages. If traps are not being received at your management station(s), consult the platform SNMP documentation and ensure that the management station's address is configured properly for the master agent.
Cause: The text files which describe the SNMP MIBs were not found in the correct location.
Action: Check the agent's installation and install the correct files.
Cause: The agent was unable to initialize the file which holds data about users. Following messages may provide more details.
Action: If a solution cannot be found, call Oracle Support Services with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.
Cause: The agent was unable to initialize the file which holds data about event registrations. Following messages may provide more details.
Action: If a solution cannot be found, call Oracle Support Services with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.
Cause: The agent was unable to initialize the file which holds data about jobs. Following messages may provide more details.
Action: If a solution cannot be found, call Oracle Support Services with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.
Cause: The agent was unable to initialize the file which holds data about event occurrences. Following messages may provide more details.
Action: If a solution cannot be found, call Oracle Support Services with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.
Cause: The agent was unable to initialize the file which holds data about job statuses. Following messages may provide more details.
Action: If a solution cannot be found, call Oracle Support Services with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.
Cause: The Remote Procedure Call layer could not be initialized. Following messages may provide more details.
Action: If a solution cannot be found, call Oracle Support Services with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.
Cause: The agent's connection cache could not be initialized. This message usually appears when another agent is running. Only one copy can be running at a time.
Action: If another agent is running, bring it down before running the desired agent.
Cause: The agent's address for internal RPC's could not be initialized. This may be because another copy of the agent is already running.
Action: If another copy of the agent is already running, kill both agents and try again.
Cause: The agent's address for file transfer RPC's could not be initialized. This may be because another copy of the agent is already running.
Action: If another copy of the agent is already running, kill both agents and try again.
Cause: The language ID of the agent could not be initialized.
Action: Make sure the language ID environment variable is correct for the agent.
Cause: The agent was unable to open the specified file.
Action: Make sure that the directory exists, and that the agent has the required permissions to write to it.
Cause: The agent was unable to access the specified directory, or the directory does not exist.
Action: Make sure that the directory exists, and that the agent has the required permissions to write to it.
Cause: The dbsnmp.spawnaddress parameter is required from and later releases. This must be a different address from the dbsnmp.address and is used for file transfer and Oracle Software Manager.
Cause: Add the dbsnmp.spawnaddress parameter to snmp.ora.
Cause: The tcl package index could not be created.
Action: Make sure all the shared libraries in the $ORACLE_HOME/network/agent/library directory are correct.
Cause: The tcl7.5 init.tcl file could not be initialized.
Action: Make sure you have a correct version of init.tcl in $ORACLE_HOME/network/agent/tcl.
Cause: If a key was given at startup, it does not match the key that was last used. If no key was given at startup, then the file was encrypted with a non-default key, and that key must be supplied. There is no way for Oracle to recover the key because it is not hidden anywhere.
Action: If the user cannot remember it, then the files should be saved in case the key is remembered later.
Cause: This message appears on startup if a "password_file=" argument was typed on the command line, but the indicated file was not found, could not be read, or did not contain a line of text. (For security reasons, the name of the password file is not echoed.)
Action: Enter the correct file name and ensure that it has at least one text line of at least 6 characters.
Cause: The user has typed in a key that is too short. See message 00352.
Action: Enter between 6 and 8 characters.
Cause: oemevent was called with too few arguments.
Action: oemevent should be invoked as follows:
oemevent eventname object severity message [result...]
eventname is a legal Oracle Enterprise Manager event name;
object is the name of the service or resource to which the event applies;
severity is one of the following-----alert, warning, or clear;
message is the text of the error message to be conveyed to the Oracle Enterprise Manager console;
result is zero or more strings to be returned as the results of the event.
Cause: The first argument passed to oemevent is not a valid Oracle Enterprise Manager event name.
Action: Invoke oemevent with a legal Oracle Enterprise Manager event name.
Cause: The third argument passed to oemevent is not a valid Oracle Enterprise Manager event severity level (either alert, warning, or clear).
Action: Invoke oemevent with a legal Oracle Enterprise Manager severity level.
Cause: oemevent was unable to establish a connection with the agent Comm process.
Action: Make sure that the agent Comm process is running, that it is accepting connections, and that the agent address in the snmp.ora file is correct.
Cause: oemevent was unable to send the ReportEvent RPC to the agent Comm process.
Action: Make sure that the agent is up. Try running oemevent again.
These messages can be sent back to the console when users run jobs or register events.
Cause: A predefined event or job was invoked with fewer arguments than required, or with the wrong types of arguments.
Action: Check the documentation and try again. If the problem continues, ensure that the installed versions of the agent and the console match.
These messages appear only in the agent log file and do not necessarily indicate an error.
Cause: The agent has registered the specified event for the user of the service; the internal ID number of the event, user and service is shown in the message.
Action: None.
Cause: The Registration was rejected because it was identical to an existing registration.
Action: None.
Cause: The agent is about to cancel an event registration.
Action: None.
Cause: The agent delivered a report of an event occurring, which was registered by the specified user.
Action: None.
Cause: The schedule of the specified job number has expired.
Action: None.
Cause: The specified job number is being executed by the agent.
Action: None.
Cause: The specified job is being cancelled at the request of the console.
Action: None.
Cause: The specified fixup job is being run, since its event occurred.
Action: None
Cause: A dbsnmp_stop command was received from lsnrctl.
Action: None.
Cause: The Worker process has detected no response from the Comm process for the timeout period, and has restarted it. This may or may indicate an error. If it happens repeatedly, it may indicate communication problems with the console.
Action: Inspect trace file for the Comm process, if tracing is on. If not, and this appears repeatedly, stop the agent, turn on tracing, and restart it.
Cause: A request to schedule the specified job was received from the console and the job was scheduled; the internal ID number is shown in the message.
Action: None.
Cause: The specified job number was cancelled by the console.
Action: None.
Cause: The status of a completed job was delivered to the console.
Action: None.
Cause: The user was registered with the specified parameters. The internal ID of the user is also shown in the message.
Action: None.
Cause: The specified job number has been run and reported success.
Action: None.
Cause: The specified job ID failed with the error code given. Complete output is returned to the console.
Action: None.
Cause: The specified file was fetched from the specified address.
Action: None.
These error messages can appear on the console; they may or may not indicate a software problem. In certain cases, user actions can clear the problem.
Cause: The specified event could not be registered because the .tcl file that implements it does not exist on the agent.
Action: Check the installation of the agent, and if necessary reinstall the correct version.
Cause: On an event registration, a database or service name was specified which the agent does not monitor.
Action: Check configuration files on the console, and the snmp.ora file on the agent.
Cause: For an event, a user was specified who has not been registered with the agent. Possibly the user registration file has been inadvertently deleted.
Action: Logging off from the console and logging back in may fix the problem.
Cause: For an event registration, the language string which was registered for the user was invalid. The language comes from the NLS_LANG environment variable on the console machine.
Action: Check the setting of the NLS_LANG environment variable. If necessary, correct it, log off from the console, and log back on.
Cause: The Tcl script for the specified event failed to evaluate. The specific error found by Tcl is returned to the console. It may be that incorrect arguments were provided to the event, or the catsnmp.sql script that allows the agent permission to execute the predefined events has not been run.
Action: Check the results returned to the console. Correct the Tcl script if necessary.
Cause: The specified job could not be registered because the .tcl file that implements it does not exist on the agent.
Action: Check the installation of the agent, and if necessary install the correct version.
Cause: The specified segment could not be found in the database.
Action: Make sure the SQL statement is correct, especially the job or event parameters.
Cause: The specified parameter could not be found in the V$SYSSTAT table.
Action: Make sure the SQL statement is correct, especially the job or event parameters.
Cause: The specified user-defined program could not be executed on the agent.
Action: Make sure the user defined program exists and that the agent can execute it.
Cause: Either the user-defined program does not exist or the agent cannot execute it. Your Console and Agent may also be out of sync.
Action: Make sure that the agent can invoke either svrmgr1 or sqldba. Try dropping the particular node from the Console Navigator Pane to re-discover and re-submit the job.
Cause: The date format is not in mm/dd/yy format.
Action: Correct the date format.
Cause: The database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode.
Action: Alter the database archive log mode to on.
Cause: The sqlplus executable does not exist.
Action: Make sure either svrmgrl or sqldba can be invoked by the agent.
Cause: No free extends were found for the specified tablespace.
Action: Check the sql statement, and if necessary correct the event or job parameters.
Cause: The SQL statement returned no rows.
Action: Check the SQL statement.
Cause: DML_LOCKS equals 0.
Action: Check the SQL statement.
Action: Check the SQL statement.
Cause: VIEW SYS.DBA_BLOCKERS does not exist.
Action: Verify $ORACLE_HOME\sysman\admin\smptsixx.sql has been run.
Cause: The index partitions associated with a particular indexed partition could not be found.
Action: Check the SQL statement.
Cause: Tablespace does not exist or at least one of its datafiles has been defined with autoextend enabled.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: A call to getcpuutil failed unexpectedly.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: A call to getpaging failed unexpectedly.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: On an event registration, an invalid disk name was specified - for example, a disk name of "*".
Action: Make sure an explicit disk name is specified for the event.
Cause: A call to diskusage failed unexpectedly.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: A call to getlsnrstatus failed unexpectedly.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: More numbers were discovered in the error message than expected.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: Duration is not greater than 0.
Action: Make sure the duration is greater than 0.
Cause: The Console and Agent services are out of sync.
Action: Drop the Agent node from the Navigator Pane and re-discover the node.
Cause: Files are out of sync.
Action: Report to Oracle Support Services.
Cause: On an event registration, the agent was unable to create the Tcl interpreter to process the event.
Action: Report to Oracle Support Services.
Cause: When attempting to run a Backup Job from within Enterprise Manager, the following error occurs: "call to alter tablespace backup failed
NMS-5001 : unable to start Hot backup"
Action: Put the database in archivelog mode. To set ArchiveLog Mode on:
Cause: An offline backup is in progress.
Action: Refer to the Oracle9i Recovery Manager User's Guide for information on offline backups.
Cause: Tablespace is offline.
Action: Refer to the Oracle9i Recovery Manager User's Guide for information on offline backups.
Cause: Call to a SQL statement failed.
Action: Refer to the Oracle9i Recovery Manager User's Guide for information on online backups.
Cause: Call to a SQL statement failed.
Action: Refer to the Oracle9i Recovery Manager User's Guide for information on offline backups.
Cause: Offline backup about to take place.
Action: Refer to the Oracle9i Recovery Manager User's Guide for information on offline backups.
Cause: Call to a SQL statement failed.
Action: Refer to the Oracle9i Recovery Manager User's Guide for information on offline backups.
Cause: Database not started.
Action: Refer to the Oracle9i Database Administrator's Guide for information on database states and information on starting up and shutting down a database.
Cause: Unable to logon.
Action: Retry logging in.
Cause: Database is running and needs to be shutdown.
Action: Refer to the Oracle9i Database Administrator's Guide for information on shutting down a database.
Cause: Database is not running and needs to be started.
Action: Refer to the Oracle9i Database Administrator's Guide for information on starting up a database.
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