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Lecture "Distributed Database Systems" WS 2010 / 2011

Lecture "Distributed Database Systems"

Dr. Katja Hose, PD Dr.-Ing. Ralf Schenkel,


In today's data management, we face the problem that data is often naturally distributed among multiple sites. The distributed architecture requires sophisticated techniques to answer queries efficiently. Beginning with the basics of data management in classical distributed database systems, this lecture gives an overview of the state of the art. More specifically, the lecture covers topics such as data fragmentation, replication, schema integration, query processing algorithms in general as well as for specialized architectures, e.g., standard distributed database systems, peer-to-peer systems, and grid systems.


Re-exams will take place on: April 11, 2011.
If you are interested, please contact Katja Hose to make an appointment.




Students planning to attend the course should have basic knowledge of standard database technologies (successful participation in the basic course on Database Systems or Information Systems is fine), even though we will introduce all necessary concepts and techniques in the lecture.

Requirements for the certificate

