MPI Informatics Building Model v1.0 - HDR Photographs
These are the 8 HDR photograps acquired inside the real
MPII building and the according descriptions of the conditions during their capture.
The images were taken by multiple exposures and we provide the data in various formats.
- Photos from the building in the ([EXR
format]) (111,477,362 Bytes). The description of the format, the library required
to read them, and the viewer are available at
OpenEXR website.
- Photos from the building in the ([PIC
format]) (120,421,276 Bytes). This is a
format invented by Greg Ward, also known as HDR format
with the following possible file extensions: .hdr,.HDR,.PIC, .pic .
- The [info
in ASCII format]
describing the acquisition of the HDR images by multiple exposures,
including the camera description and its positioning, lighting
conditions, etc.
- The [viewpoints
for PBRT]
which were manually estimated for the PBRT rendering package.
- The [viewpoints
for VRML97]
that were manually estimated in the VRML viewer. Some general info is
provided here so you can easily convert it to another format of
camera viewpoints.
The HDR photos tonemapped to LDR images for preview on a
standard display
(global tonemapping)
This page is maintained by Vlastimil
Havran. The usage conditions and copyright for any content on
this webpage is given at
It was last updated on 12th December 2009.