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MPI Informatics Building Model v1.0 - Individual 3D Objects

This is the collection of certain individual objects that are not the part of building construction. In the future, these could be moved or replaced by new objects. These objects mostly represent furniture such as cases, tables, and chairs. Furthermore, there is other equipment like plants or fire extinguishers, for example.

The 3D data are provided in the 3D Studio MAX format (release 2009) and the VRML97 format (the export from 3D Studio MAX).


Name of the 3D object # meshes # triangles # counts
in the building
Preview image 3DS MAX file VRML97 file
CaseType1 112 5 2268 PNG/kCaseType1.png [MAX] [WRL]
CaseType21 167 23 7385 PNG/kCaseType21.png [MAX] [WRL]
CaseType21_Up1 81 4 1896 PNG/kCaseType21_Up1.png [MAX] [WRL]
CaseTypeXX 4 43 8456 PNG/kCaseTypeXX.png [MAX] [WRL]
Chair_01 6 19 18347 PNG/kChair02.png [MAX] [WRL]
Chair_02 140 2 6785 PNG/kChair_01.png [MAX] [WRL]
FirstAidKit 6 4 3444 PNG/kFirstAidKit.png [MAX] [WRL]
Sofa01 10 7 14328 PNG/kSofa01.png [MAX] [WRL]
Sofa02 10 9 19082 PNG/kSofa02.png [MAX] [WRL]
Sofa03 4 11 23888 PNG/kSofa03.png [MAX] [WRL]
Table02 3 2 840 PNG/kTable02.png [MAX] [WRL]
Table03 unknown 9 3074 PNG/kTable03.png [MAX] [WRL]
Table04 22 2 1852 PNG/kTable04.png [MAX] [WRL]
Table04_B 14 2 1852 PNG/kTable04_B.png [MAX] [WRL]
Table05 3 2 2044 PNG/kTable05.png [MAX] [WRL]
Table07 unknown 38 11502 PNG/kTable07.png [MAX] [WRL]
Table30 123 15 11762 PNG/kTable30.png [MAX] [WRL]
Tree1_pot 1 2 8799 PNG/kTree1_pot.png [MAX] [WRL]
Tree2_pot 1 2 9241 PNG/kTree2_pot.png [MAX] [WRL]
Tree3_pot 1 2 11549 PNG/kTree3_pot.png [MAX] [WRL]
TreeBigGroundFloor 3 5 43026 PNG/kTreeBigGroundFloor.png [MAX] [WRL]
basket_01 102 1 102400 PNG/kbasket_01.png [MAX] [WRL]
basket_03 4 4 25970 PNG/kbasket_03.png [MAX] [WRL]
bench 9 33 61780 PNG/kbench.png [MAX] [WRL]
blackboard_01 76 4 1488 PNG/kblackboard_01.png [MAX] [WRL]
blackboard_02 63 4 1552 PNG/kblackboard_02.png [MAX] [WRL]
blackboard_03 6 2 672 PNG/kblackboard_03.png [MAX] [WRL]
caffe_set 1 17 7952 PNG/kcaffe_set.png [MAX] [WRL]
case_type_R-01 R-01.png 35 25118 PNG/kcase_typeR-01.png [MAX] [WRL]
case_type_R-02 R-02.png 36 25892 PNG/kcase_typeR-02.png [MAX] [WRL]
chair_01new 51 17 46512 PNG/kchair_01new.png [MAX] [WRL]
chair_02new 183 45 72137 PNG/kchair_02new.png [MAX] [WRL]
chair_03new 84 15 27874 PNG/kchair_03new.png [MAX] [WRL]
chair_03oldB 12 8 7728 PNG/kchair_03oldB.png [MAX] [WRL]
fire_extinguisher01 unknown 12 12441 PNG/kfire-extinguisher_01.png [MAX] [WRL]
fire_extinguisher02 unknown 17 13808 PNG/kfire-extinguisher_02.png [MAX] [WRL]
fire_extinguisher03 unknown 14 18179 PNG/kfire-extinguisher_03_b.png [MAX] [WRL]
frame02 unknown 1 60 PNG/kframe02.png [MAX] [WRL]
frameA unknown 4 32 PNG/kframeA01.png [MAX] [WRL]
frameB unknown 4 32 PNG/kframeB01.png [MAX] [WRL]
lamp01 342 6 7115 PNG/klamp_01.png [MAX] [WRL]
lamp02 156 8 9274 PNG/klamp_02.png [MAX] [WRL]
lamp03 40 31 5038 PNG/klamp_03.png [MAX] [WRL]
lamp04 22 16 14356 PNG/klamp_04.png [MAX] [WRL]
lamp05 54 39 28408 PNG/klamp_05.png [MAX] [WRL]
lamp06 9 15 15270 PNG/klamp_06.png [MAX] [WRL]
lamp07 unknown 9 7458 PNG/klamp_07.png [MAX] [WRL]
netPlug 1118 1 1301 PNG/knet_plug.png [MAX] [WRL]
powerPlug 655 1 914 PNG/kpower_plug.png [MAX] [WRL]
rack 27 5 1718 PNG/krack.png [MAX] [WRL]
roomNumber unknown 8 627 PNG/kroomnumber01.png [MAX] [WRL]
roundTable01 5 8 11569 PNG/kroundTable01.png [MAX] [WRL]
tableCornerLshortRlong unknown 25 15862 PNG/ktableCornerLlongRshort.png [MAX] [WRL]
tableLength80 23 13 11222 PNG/ktableLength80.png [MAX] [WRL]
tableM4 32 25 13668 PNG/ktableM4.png [MAX] [WRL]
tableSTM3a 9 140 PNG/ktableSTM3a.png [MAX] [WRL]
tableWide 48 21 16704 PNG/ktableWide.png [MAX] [WRL]
table_03low 3 9 3074 PNG/ktable_03low.png [MAX] [WRL]
table_06 2 2 1298 PNG/ktable_06.png [MAX] [WRL]
type40 68 33 11947 PNG/ktyp40.png [MAX] [WRL]
wifiAP 16 17 39204 PNG/kwifi.png [MAX] [WRL]

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This page is maintained by Vlastimil Havran. The usage conditions and copyright for any content on this webpage is given at It was last updated on 12th December 2009.