This file contains explanations to the columns of fulleval.csv. In case you have any further questions, please contact the authors. Contact information is provided on the project homepage. name - The name of the problem instance: First three letters contain the author of the test case followed by the number of items and a unique identifier Example: bur26a = Burkhardt et al., 26 Items, Test case a Kaufman-Broeckx - Contains the best lower bound produced by the Kaufman-Broeckx linearization plugged in the Gurobi ILP solver RLT1 - Contains the best lower bound produced by the RLT1 linearization plugged in the Gurobi ILP solver Mosek - Describes the performance of our own branch-and-bound framework with Mosek as the underlying SDP solver, average objective function is chosen Gurobi(quad) - Desribes the performance of our SDP relaxation in the Gurobi ILP solver, max objective is used, the quadratic QAP objective is added as a constraint Gurobi(kb) - Same as above; however, the quadratic constraint is replaced by the (linear) Kaufman-Broeckx formulation Note that the conference paper only describes the Mosek framework (see Section 2 of the paper linked at the project page). The journal version of this paper contains the description of the Gurobi approach, too, and will be added upon approval.