Dynamic Range Reduction Inspired by Photoreceptor Physiology
E. Reinhard and K. Devlin
In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2004
Web page: http://www.cs.ucf.edu/~reinhard/pubs.html
Stanford Memorial Church HDR image courtesy of Paul Debevec Command line to generate this result: $ pfsin memorial.hdr | pfstmo_reinhard04 | \ pfsout memorial_reinhard04.pngSource: memorial.hdr Result: memorial_reinhard04.png |
Tunnel in Saarbruecken Grzegorz Krawczyk © 2004 Command line to generate this result: $ pfsinexr sb%04d.exr | pfstmo_reinhard04 | \ pfsoutffmpeg -qscale 4 -s 320x240 sbtour_reinhard04.aviResult: sbtour_reinhard04.avi |
The implementation of this algorithm is a part of pfstmo package and is available for download with complete source code. All comments and suggestions are welcome.
Please report bugs and comments to Grzegorz Krawczyk (krawczyk [at] mpi-sb.mpg.de).