Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Local Education Authorities
Target Entity: Subdivisions_of_England
Preceding Context: Education in Buckinghamshire is governed by two
Succeeding Context: . Buckinghamshire County Council has a completely selective education system: pupils transfer either to a grammar school or to a secondary modern school depending on how they perform in the 11 plus test and on their preferences. Pupils who do not take the test can only be allocated places at secondary modern schools. There are 9 independent schools and 34 maintained (state) secondary schools, not including sixth form colleges, in the county council area. The unitary authority of Milton Keynes operates a comprehensive education system: there are 8 maintained (state) secondary schools in the borough council area. Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes are also home to the University of Buckingham, Buckinghamshire New University, the Open University and the University Centre Milton Keynes.
Paragraph Title: Education
Source Page: Buckinghamshire

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