Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Nathalie Lemel
Target Entity: Nathalie_Lemel
Preceding Context: Some women organized a feminist movement, following on from earlier attempts in 1789 and 1848. Thus,
Succeeding Context: , a socialist bookbinder, and Élisabeth Dmitrieff, a young Russian exile and member of the Russian section of the First International (IWA), created the Union des femmes pour la défense de Paris et les soins aux blessés ("Women's Union for the Defense of Paris and Care of the Wounded") on April 11, 1871. The feminist writer André Léo, a friend of Paule Minck, was also active in the Women's Union. Believing that their struggle against patriarchy could only be pursued through a global struggle against capitalism, the association demanded gender equality, wages' equality, the right of divorce for women, the right to secular education and professional education for girls. They also demanded suppression of the distinction between married women and concubines, and between legitimate and illegitimate children. They advocated the abolition of prostitution (obtaining the closing of the maisons de tolérance, or legal official brothels). The Women's Union also participated in several municipal commissions and organized cooperative workshops. Along with Eugène Varlin, Nathalie Le Mel created the restaurant La Marmite, which served free food for indigents, and then fought during the Bloody Week on the barricades.
Paragraph Title: Feminist initiatives
Source Page: Paris Commune

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