Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Europe
Target Entity: Europe
Preceding Context: According to Homer, Troy stood overlooking the Hellespont – a channel of water that separates Asia Minor and
Succeeding Context: . In the 1870s, Heinrich Schliemann set out to find it. Following Homer's description, he started to dig at Hisarlik in and uncovered the ruins of several cities, built one on top of the other. Several of the cities had been destroyed violently, but it was not clear which, if any, was Homer's Troy. In his enthusiasm for digging down into the lowest (and therefore oldest) layer of settlement (Troy of 2500 B.C.)Schliemann actually destroyed a large portion of the preceding layers, including the Troy of the Homeric Iliad.
Paragraph Title: Factual explanations
Source Page: Trojan Horse

Ground Truth Types:

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