Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: manuals
Target Entity: Manual_\u0028music\u0029
Preceding Context: Much of Pachelbel's liturgical organ music, particularly the chorale preludes, is relatively simple and written for
Succeeding Context: only, no pedal is required. This is partly due to Lutheran religious practice where congregants sang the chorales. Household instruments like virginals or clavichords accompanied the singing, so Pachelbel and many of his contemporaries made music playable using these instruments. The quality of the organs Pachelbel used also played a role: south German instruments were not, as a rule, as complex and as versatile as the north German ones, and Pachelbel's organs must have only had around 15–25 stops on two manuals (compare to Buxtehude's Marienkirche instrument with 52 stops, 15 of them in the pedal). Finally, neither the Nuremberg nor the southern German organ tradition endorsed extensive use of pedals seen in the works by composers of the northern German school.
Paragraph Title: Keyboard music
Source Page: Johann Pachelbel

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