Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Keep On Truckin'
Target Entity: Keep_on_Truckin\u0027_\u0028comics\u0029
Preceding Context: An unrepentant life-long doodler, Saint-Exupéry had for numerous years sketched little people on his napkins, tablecloths, letters to paramours and friends, lined notebooks and other scraps of paper. Early figures took on a multitude of appearances, engaged in a variety of tasks. Some appeared as doll-like figures, baby puffins, angel's with wings, and even a similar
Succeeding Context: figure later to be made famous by Robert Crumb. His characters were frequently seen chasing butterflies; when asked why they did so, Saint-Exupéry, who thought of the figures as his alter-ego, replied that they were actually pursuing a "realistic ideal". Saint-Exupéry eventually settled on the image of the young, precocious child with curly blond hair, an image which would become the subject of speculations as to its source.
Paragraph Title: Illustrations
Source Page: The Little Prince

Ground Truth Types:

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