Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Mill Point, West Virginia
Target Entity: Mill_Point\u002c_West_Virginia
Preceding Context: The National Alliance adopted the life rune as its symbol. Pierce intended this organization to be a political vanguard that would ultimately bring about a "white racial redemption". His Cosmotheist Community Church, which was to be the second step in this plan, was organized in 1976, alongside Pierce's political projects: the National Alliance, National Vanguard Books, and the weekly broadcast American Dissident Voices. In 1978 Pierce applied for, and was denied, tax exemption, at which point he claimed that the Internal Revenue Service was controlled by Jews. Pierce appealed, but an appellate court upheld the I.R.S. decision. In 1985, Pierce moved his operations from Arlington, Virginia, to a location in
Succeeding Context: that he paid for with $95,000 in cash. He called his new church the Cosmotheist Community Church.
Paragraph Title: National Alliance
Source Page: William Luther Pierce

Ground Truth Types:

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