Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Gandamak
Target Entity: Gandamak
Preceding Context: Fleeing Persian, he arrived in Kandahar, Afghanistan in 1841—a town that had been occupied by an Anglo-Indian army in 1839 in the First Anglo-Afghan War. A close relationship developed between Hasan Ali Shah and the British, which coincided with the final years of the First Anglo-Afghan War (1838–1842). After his arrival, Hasan Ali Shah wrote to Sir William Macnaghten, discussing his plans to seize and govern Herat on behalf of the British. Although the proposal seemed to have been approved, the plans of the British were thwarted by the uprising of Dost Muhammad's son Muhammad Akbar Khan, who defeated and annihilated the British-Indian garrison at
Succeeding Context: on its retreat from Kabul in January 1842.
Paragraph Title: Afghanistan
Source Page: Aga Khan I

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