Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Margravine of Turin
Target Entity: March_of_Turin
Preceding Context: The second son of Otto, Count of Savoy, and Adelaide,
Succeeding Context: , Amadeus II was probably born around 1050, because he, alongside other noblemen of the Kingdom of Burgundy, swore an oath on the tomb of Saint Peter in Rome to defend the Church around 1070–73. In 1074 Pope Gregory VII was trying to persuade William I, Count of Burgundy, to remember this vow and, with Amadeus and others, go to the defence of the Roman Empire in the East against the Seljuk Turks. As his mother is known to have had good relations with the Papacy in these years, this record seems to indicate that Amadeus was following his mother's policies at this early stage in his career.
Paragraph Title: Before his countship
Source Page: Amadeus II, Count of Savoy

Ground Truth Types:

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Predicted Types:

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