Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Armia Krajowa Museum in Kraków
Target Entity: Armia_Krajowa_Museum_in_Krak\u00f3w
Preceding Context: The persecution of AK was only part of the repressions under Stalinism in Poland. In the period of 1944-1956, approximately 2 million people were arrested, over 20,000, including the hero of Auschwitz, Witold Pilecki, were executed or murdered in communist prisons, and 6 million Polish citizens (i.e. every third adult Pole) were classified as a reactionary or criminal element and subject to invigilation by state agencies. Most soldiers of the Home Army were captured by the NKVD or UB political police. They were interrogated and imprisoned on various charges like fascism. Many of them were sent to Gulags, executed or "disappeared." For example between 1944 and 1956 all members of Batalion Zośka unit who took part in Warsaw Uprising was closed in communist jail. In 1956 an amnesty released 35,000 former AK soldiers from prisons: for the crime of fighting for their homeland they had spent sometimes over 10 years in prisons. Even at this time however, some partisans remained in the countryside, unwilling or simply unable to rejoin the community; they became known as the cursed soldiers. Stanisław Marchewka "Ryba" was killed in 1957, and the last AK partisan, Józef Franczak "Lalek," was killed in 1963 – almost 2 decades after World War II ended. It was only four years later, in 1967, that Adam Boryczka, a soldier of AK and a member of the elite, Britain-trained Cichociemny ("The Silent and Hidden") intelligence and support group, was released from prison. Until the end of the People's Republic of Poland AK soldiers remained under investigation by the secret police, and it was only in 1989, after the fall of communism, that the sentences of AK soldiers were finally declared invalid and annulled by the Polish courts. Many monuments to Armia Krajowa have been erected in modern Poland, and there are many museum exhibitions such as the
Succeeding Context: and the Warsaw Uprising Museum in Warsaw. The Polish Home Army Museum is located in Orchard Lake, Michigan, .
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Armia Krajowa

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