Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Yukon
Target Entity: Yukon_River
Preceding Context: The Yupik (in the Central Alaskan Yup'ik language, Yup'ik, plural Yupiit), are a group of indigenous or aboriginal peoples of western, southwestern, and southcentral Alaska and the Russian Far East. They include the Central Alaskan Yup'ik people of the
Succeeding Context: -Kuskokwim delta, the Kuskokwim River, and along the northern coast of Bristol Bay as far east as Nushagak Bay and the northern Alaska Peninsula at Naknek River and Egegik Bay in Alaska; the Alutiiq (or Sugpiaq) of the Alaska Peninsula and coastal and island areas of southcentral Alaska; and the Siberian Yupik people of the Russian Far East and St. Lawrence Island in western Alaska. They are Eskimo and are related to the .
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Yupik peoples

Ground Truth Types:

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