Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: DAC
Target Entity: Digital\u002dto\u002danalog_converter
Preceding Context: In addition to the extended palette, VGA adds a second level of indirection: Unlike EGA's fixed 64-color palette, each of VGA's 256 palette entries could be assigned an arbitrary color value through the VGA
Succeeding Context: . The EGA BIOS only allowed two bits per channel to represent each entry, while VGA allowed six bits to represent the intensity of each of the three primaries (red, blue and green). This provided 64 different intensity levels for each of red, green and blue, resulting in 262,144 possible colors, any 256 of which could be assigned to the palette (and in turn out of those 256, any 16 of them could be displayed in CGA video modes).
Paragraph Title: The VGA color palette
Source Page: Video Graphics Array

Ground Truth Types:

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