Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: auxiliaries
Target Entity: Auxiliaries_\u0028Roman_military\u0029
Preceding Context: With Constantius' victorious return, Maximian was able to focus on the conflict in Mauretania (Northwest Africa). As Roman authority weakened during the third century, nomadic Berber tribes harassed settlements in the region with increasingly severe consequences. In 289, the governor of Mauretania Caesariensis (roughly modern Algeria) gained a temporary respite by pitting a small army against the Bavares and Quinquegentiani, but the raiders soon returned. In 296, Maximian raised an army, from Praetorian cohorts, Aquileian, Egyptian, and Danubian legionaries, Gallic and German
Succeeding Context: , and Thracian recruits, advancing through Spain that autumn. He may have defended the region against raiding Moors before crossing the Strait of Gibraltar into Mauretania Tingitana (roughly modern Morocco) to protect the area from Frankish pirates.
Paragraph Title: Campaigns in North Africa
Source Page: Maximian

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