Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Roman
Target Entity: Roman_Empire
Preceding Context: The origin of his name "Laertius" is equally uncertain. Stephanus of Byzantium, in one passage, refers to him as "Διογένης ὁ Λαερτιεύς" (Diogenes ho Laertieus), implying that he was the native of some town, perhaps the Laerte in Caria, or the one in Cilicia. An alternative suggestion is that one of his ancestors had for a patron a member of the
Succeeding Context: family of the Laërtii. The modern theory is that "Laertius" is a nickname, to distinguish him from the many other people called Diogenes in the ancient world, and derived from the Homeric epithet "Diogenes Laertiade," used in addressing .
Paragraph Title: Life
Source Page: Diogenes Laërtius

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