Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Mirtazapine
Target Entity: Mirtazapine
Preceding Context: The coroner's report revealed that no traces of illegal substances or alcohol were found in his system at the time of his death, but did find prescribed levels of antidepressant, anxiolytic and ADHD medications in his system, including Clonazepam,
Succeeding Context: , Atomoxetine and Amphetamine. Also, no hesitation wounds were found on Smith, a trait typical of suicide by self infliction. With his death not being officially declared a suicide, journalist Alyson Camus noted numerous discrepancies and contradictions in the case that suggest foul play. However, the authorities do not seem to be investigating the case further.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Elliott Smith

Ground Truth Types:

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Predicted Types:

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