Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Baltic Sea
Target Entity: Baltic_Sea
Preceding Context: The River Daugava (in Latvian) or Western Dvina (; , , traditionally Дзвiна, Dzvina; ), not to be confused with Northern Dvina, is a river rising in the Valdai Hills, Russia, flowing through Russia, Belarus, and Latvia, draining into the Gulf of Riga in Latvia, an arm of the
Succeeding Context: . The total length of the river is : 325 km in Russian Federation, 328 km in Belarus, and 367 km – in Latvia. In the 19th century, it was connected by a canal to the Berezina and Dnieper rivers (canal is currently not functioning). The Daugava forms part of the international border between Latvia and Belarus.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Daugava River

Ground Truth Types:

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