Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Singapore
Target Entity: Singapore
Preceding Context: After the fall of the communist system in Poland in 1989 the fleet shifted back to Western aircraft, beginning with acquisitions of the Boeing 767-200 in April 1989, followed by the Boeing 767-300 in March 1990, ATR 72 in August 1991, Boeing 737-500 in December 1992 and finally the Boeing 737-400 in April 1993. From the mid-1980s to early 1990s LOT flew from Warsaw to Chicago, Edmonton, Montreal, Newark, New York and Toronto. These routes were primarily inaugurated to serve the large Polish communities (Polonia) present in North America. The acquisition of Boeing 767 series aircraft made LOT the first airline in both Central Europe, and incidentally the entire Eastern Bloc, to operate American equipment. These new aircraft were, at one point, used to operate LOT's longest-ever connection to
Succeeding Context: . By the end of 1989 LOT had achieved much, it had hosted that year's IATA congress and achieved a milestone annual load-factor of 2.3 million passengers carried over the course of the year.
Paragraph Title: Post-1989 LOT Polish Airlines
Source Page: LOT Polish Airlines

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