Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Puerto Rico
Target Entity: Puerto_Rico
Preceding Context: Morales became a member of the BSN's Cangrejeros De Santurce in 1974, when he was only 14 while still playing high school basketball at the Colegio De La Salle in Bayamon, Puerto Rico. Four years later he became a member of Puerto Rico's national basketball team. Morales didn't go to the Montreal Olympics because, as a minor in 1976, he still couldn't join the national team, the 1980 Olympics in Moscow, because
Succeeding Context: 's Olympic committee decided to join the United States in the boycott, and the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games because the national team didn't qualify for those. However, when he did get to go to the Olympics, for the Seoul games in 1988 and the Barcelona games in 1992, he impressed international audiences with his skills and savvy.
Paragraph Title: Professional career
Source Page: Mario Morales

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