Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Yucatán Peninsula
Target Entity: Yucat\u00e1n_Peninsula
Preceding Context: The appropriation of land for both agriculture and mining placed renewed pressure on the Yaquis and other native peoples of Sonora. Previously, active resistance had given the Yaqui fairly autonomous control of a portion of the state, and kept their agricultural system along the Yaqui River. Encroachment on this land led to uprisings and guerilla warfare by the Yaquis after 1887. By 1895, the federal and state governments began to violently repress the Yaquis and began to forcefully relocate captured Yaquis to the plantations in Mexico’s tropical south, especially the henequen plantations in the
Succeeding Context: . The Yaqui resistance continued into the 1900s, with the expulsions reaching a peak between 1904 and 1908, by which time about one quarter of this population had been deported. Still more were forced to flee into Arizona.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Sonora

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