Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Etruscan
Target Entity: Etruscan_civilization
Preceding Context: Tradition suggests that the population of the early Roman kingdom was the result of a union of Sabines and others. Some of the gentes of the Roman republic were proud of their Sabine heritage, such as the Claudia gens, assuming Sabinus as a cognomen or agnomen. Some specifically Sabine deities and cults were known at Rome: Semo Sancus and Quirinus, and at least one area of the town, the Quirinale, where the temples to those latter deities were located, had once been a Sabine centre. The extravagant claims of Varro and Cicero that augury, divination by dreams and the worship of Minerva and Mars originated with the Sabines are disputable, as they were general Italic and Latin customs, as well as
Succeeding Context: , despite the fact that they were espoused by Numa Pompilius, second king of Rome and a Sabine.
Paragraph Title: Sabine traditions
Source Page: Sabines

Ground Truth Types:

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