Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Han
Target Entity: Han_\u0028state\u0029
Preceding Context: In 230 BC, the state of Qin had defeated the state of
Succeeding Context: . A Han aristocrat named Zhang Liang swore revenge on the Qin emperor. He sold all his valuables and in 218 BC, he hired a strongman assassin and built him a heavy metal cone weighing 120 jin (roughly 160 lb or 97 kg). The two men hid among the bushes along the emperor's route over a mountain. At a signal, the muscular assassin hurled the cone at the first carriage and shattered it. However, the emperor was actually in the second carriage, as he was traveling with two identical carriages for this very reason. Thus the attempt failed. Both men were able to escape in spite of a huge manhunt.
Paragraph Title: Zhang Liang's assassination attempt
Source Page: Qin Shi Huang

Ground Truth Types:

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Predicted Types:

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