Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Québécois
Target Entity: French\u002dspeaking_Quebecer
Preceding Context: Ethnocultural ancestries: Canadians were able to self-identify one or more ethnocultural ancestries in the 2001 census. (Percentages may therefore add up to more than 100%.) The most common response was Canadian / Canadien and since the term 'Canadian' is as much an expression of citizenship as of ethnicity these figures should not be considered an exact record of the relative prevalence of different ethnocultural ancestries. 43.1% of respondents gave a single response of Canadian / Canadien while a further 26.5% identified both Canadian / Canadien and one or more other ethnocultural ancestries. 10.4% of respondents gave a single response of French, 1.1% gave a single response of Portuguese, 1.0% gave a single response of Irish, 0.9% gave a single response of Lebanese, 0.8% gave a single response of English, 0.7% gave a single responses of
Succeeding Context: and 0.7% gave a single response of North American Indian. Counting both single and multiple responses, the most commonly identified ethnocultural ancestries were:
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Gatineau

Ground Truth Types:

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