Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: 1953 New Jersey state highway renumbering
Target Entity: 1953_New_Jersey_state_highway_renumbering
Preceding Context: In the
Succeeding Context: , Route 44 was replaced by US 130 north of the Delaware Memorial Bridge approach in Deepwater and by Route 49 south of there. However, US 130 was moved to new freeway alignments around Carneys Point and between Bridgeport and Westville. The bypassed alignments of US 130, originally unnumbered, eventually became Route 44. After I-295 was built in the 1960s, it bypassed the portion of the US 130 freeway in Bridgeport and was designated along the US 130 freeway north to Westville and around Carneys Point. US 130 was moved back onto its old alignment in Carneys Point, replacing that portion of Route 44.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: New Jersey Route 44

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