Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: 49
Target Entity: U\u002eS\u002e_Route_49
Preceding Context: Paragould is located in northeast Arkansas, approximately 88 miles northwest of Memphis, Tennessee. The community is located at the intersection of U.S. Routes 412 and
Succeeding Context:
Paragraph Title: Geography
Source Page: Paragould, Arkansas

Ground Truth Types:

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Predicted Types:

wordnet_artifact_100021939-0.4103992586544117 0
wordnet_event_100029378-1.6481158558033884 0
wordnet_organization_108008335-1.4803649989486574 0
wordnet_person_100007846-1.9794545116147517 0
yagoGeoEntity-0.15413299139741965 0
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