Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Slow Train Coming
Target Entity: Slow_Train_Coming
Preceding Context: While at the Chapel Road studio, in about 1981, Norman, backed by the Barratt Band, recorded songs for Before and After, a tribute album of Bob Dylan covers scheduled to be released in 1982 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Dylan's recording career. One of Norman's musical influences was fellow American singer songwriter Bob Dylan, whom he knew personally but not well. After Dylan's conversion to Christianity in 1979, In 1984 Norman praised Slow Train Coming: "I thought Slow Train Coming was the finest gospel album ever written. I'll never write one as good as that, He'll never write one as good as that, – nobody will. It touched me in every area. You know men in conflict, like Dylan was when he was dying to self and becoming a Christian are very interesting. And because he wrote that album when he was a baby in his crib, but he had a lot of knowledge from the world, it was an album that he can never reproduce. He can never re-experience those songs. I first heard it over here in '79 and all weekend I was on a cloud. I thought This is the greatest album I've ever heard. We were all afraid that he would be overly affected by the evangelical simplicity of American mindlessness and write an album that wasn't really worth his gift for poetry. That album is like a prayer, it's a beautiful prayer, a social communion. It's a communion for all the disenchanted people that are angry." When asked to identify his favorite Christian singers, in 1985 Norman indicated: "For music, I would say that Bob Dylan's
Succeeding Context: is the best Christian album ever recorded. I've certainly never written anything that says as much and I'd be most impressed if he ever surpasses it himself. I wish every Christian who likes modern Gospel music would buy a copy of "Slow Train". Then they'd have an idea of what Christian music is capable to communicating".
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Larry Norman

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