Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Bayshore Freeway
Target Entity: Bayshore_Freeway
Preceding Context: East Palo Alto also includes a small piece of land across the
Succeeding Context: (US 101) from the shopping center, a roughly triangular area between US 101 and San Francisquito Creek, which includes a former two-block-long retail business district known as Whiskey Gulch (the name dates back to the time that Stanford University, in Palo Alto to the west, was dry and prohibited alcohol sales within a radius of one mile (1.6 km) from the campus: Whiskey Gulch was just outside the limits, and was home to a number of liquor stores and bars). The city has torn down Whiskey Gulch and replaced it with the University Circle office complex. A 200-room Four Seasons hotel opened in University Circle in 2006.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: East Palo Alto, California

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