Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Haiti
Target Entity: Haiti
Preceding Context: As of 2000, West Little River had the thirtieth highest percentage of Cuban residents in the US, with 16.78% of the populace. It had the thirty-first highest percentage of
Succeeding Context: an residents in the US, at 6.0% of the population (tied with Miramar), and the ninth highest percentage of Nicaraguan residents in the US, at 3.58% of its population. It also had the fifty-eighth most Dominicans in the US, at 2.42%, while it had the fourteenth highest percentage of Hondurans, at 2.18% of all residents. West Little River's Bahamian community had the sixth highest percentage of residents, which was at 1.2% (tied with North Miami.) It is also home to the ninety-fourth highest percentage of Guatemalan residents in the US, at 1.2% of the population as well (tied with three other US areas, including Bonita Springs, Fla.)
Paragraph Title: Demographics
Source Page: West Little River, Florida

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