Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: State Road 44
Target Entity: Florida_State_Road_44
Preceding Context: Wildwood is located at the juncture of Interstate 75, Florida's Turnpike,
Succeeding Context: , and US Highway 301. For many years Wildwood was the northern control city on Turnpike road signs however this was replaced with Ocala, Florida beginning in 2007. Because of its centralized location and easy access to both coasts, it is often referred to as "The Crossroads of Florida". CSX railroad also has a station located on Main Street in Wildwood. The station was also a stop along Amtrak's national commuter route until 2004. Today, the former station is a CSX maintenance yard. In addition there is an abandoned railroad spur owned by the Florida Midland Railroad that once led to Leesburg, but now runs along and was the home for some abandoned freight cars until some point in the first decade of the 21st Century.
Paragraph Title: Crossroads of Florida
Source Page: Wildwood, Florida

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