Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: 41
Target Entity: U\u002eS\u002e_Route_41
Preceding Context: Kentland is a town in Jefferson Township, Newton County, Indiana, United States. The population was 1,748 at the 2010 census. The town was founded in 1860 as "Kent", though this name was soon lengthened to Kentland. The name honors Alexander Kent, who acquired the then marshy plat and prepared it for development. The city is the county seat of Newton County. Once primarily a cattle town, Kentland is now an agricultural community with a diversifying economy with the town motto "Where Agriculture and Industry Meet." The town is served by an original Carnegie library and is an important crossroads on US highways
Succeeding Context: and 24. Geologists believe that the area was the site of an ancient meteorite impact.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Kentland, Indiana

Ground Truth Types:

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