Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Kansas Highway 256
Target Entity: K\u002d256_\u0028Kansas_highway\u0029
Preceding Context: U.S. Route 56 runs along the city's northern side, and U.S. Route 77 is east of the city.
Succeeding Context: runs through the center of town as Main Street, past the east end business section, Marion High School and the downtown business district. A regional Kansas Department of Transportation office is located on the north side of Marion at the corner of U.S. Route 56 and Cedar Street. The Oklahoma Kansas Texas (OKT) line of the Union Pacific Railroad runs north-south through the city. Marion Municipal Airport, FAA:43K, is located south-east of Marion and centered at .
Paragraph Title: Transportation
Source Page: Marion, Kansas

Ground Truth Types:

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Predicted Types:

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wordnet_event_100029378-2.0195116366412997 0
wordnet_organization_108008335-1.485786713176298 0
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