Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Albany
Target Entity: Albany\u002c_New_York
Preceding Context: From Suffern to Monroe was a main route of travel through the western Hudson Highlands. The main road was the Albany Post Road, one of the oldest roads in the state, which served as the stagecoach line between
Succeeding Context: and New York City and was heavily traveled in winter once the Hudson River froze. The of road through Ramapo Pass became the Orange Turnpike (now Route 17). Tolls were collected from 1800 until 1886 to maintain and improve the road. The New York State Thruway now runs through the pass. The south entrance to the town was garrisoned during the Revolution, with General Washington ordering as many as 400 soldiers to be stationed there at all times.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Suffern, New York

Ground Truth Types:

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