Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: 87
Target Entity: Interstate_87
Preceding Context: Tarrytown is a village in the town of Greenburgh in Westchester County, New York, United States. It is located on the eastern bank of the Hudson River, about north of midtown Manhattan in New York City, and is served by a stop on the Metro-North Hudson Line. To the north of Tarrytown is the village of Sleepy Hollow (formerly "North Tarrytown"), to the south the village of Irvington and to the east unincorporated parts of Greenburgh. The Tappan Zee Bridge crosses the Hudson at Tarrytown, carrying the New York State Thruway (Interstates
Succeeding Context: and 287) to South Nyack, Rockland County and points in Upstate New York.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Tarrytown, New York

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