Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: a real tennis court
Target Entity: Merton_Street_tennis_court
Preceding Context: Most of the other buildings are Victorian or later and include: St. Alban Quad (or "Stubbins"), designed by Basil Champneys, built on the site of the medieval St. Alban Hall (elements of the older façade are incorporated into the part that faces onto Merton Street); the Grove building, built in 1864 by William Butterfield but "chastened" in the 1930s; the buildings beyond the Fellows' Garden called "Rose Lane"; several buildings north of Merton Street, including
Succeeding Context: , and the Old Warden's Lodgings (designed by Champneys in 1903); and a new quadrangle in Holywell Street, some distance away from the college.
Paragraph Title: Other buildings
Source Page: Merton College, Oxford

Ground Truth Types:

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