Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: WHFL TV 43
Target Entity: WHFL\u002dLP
Preceding Context: Goldsboro supports one television station.
Succeeding Context: is a low power broadcast station on UHF channel 43 and is also found on two local cable networks. The station is a FamilyNet affiliate and carries religious, local, and family programming. The area is also served by television stations from the Raleigh-Durham and Greenville areas. NBC affiliate WNCN-TV, Channel 17, is licensed to Goldsboro but has its studios in Raleigh. Up until August 2010, a Public, educational, and government access (PEG) cable TV station called PACC-10 TV was available to Time Warner customers. The station aired its own programming as well as City Council and County Commissioner meetings. Time-Warner transferred the channel to Wayne County who currently provides local announcements and community interest programming.
Paragraph Title: Television
Source Page: Goldsboro, North Carolina

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