Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: 1997 election
Target Entity: Canadian_federal_election\u002c_1997
Preceding Context: Even before the Liberals' second electoral victory in the
Succeeding Context: , there was much speculation in the media and in Ottawa that Martin was after Chrétien's job and wanted to force the Prime Minister to retire. As the Liberals emerged with a smaller majority government after the 1997 election, though it was unlikely that any opposition party could pose a serious challenge, Martin began to gain support from those who began to disagree with Chrétien. Chrétien, however, resolved to stay on after the Liberals were re-elected in 2000, having regained much of the ground lost in 1997. By this time, Martin had gained control of much of the party machinery.
Paragraph Title: Becoming Prime Minister
Source Page: Paul Martin

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